Guardian Blames UFC Claim of Media Bias on President Trump

May 20th, 2020 10:00 AM
If you're the head of a sports organization and you complain about media basis, you're just taking a leaf out of President Donald Trump's book on media criticism. So says Guardian Sport in a Tuesday post. UFC President Dana White on Monday evening told Fox News' Sean Hannity that the New York Times, the Guardian and other media tried to sabotage his May 9 fight card in Jacksonville.

Abdul-Jabbar Wants a Mea Culpa Speech From Trump on Corona Mistakes

May 15th, 2020 10:00 AM
Trump-hater supreme Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written the speech he believes the president should make to own up for his alleged mistakes in the handling of the COVID-19 crisis. The former NBA star would have President Donald Trump taking the blame for coronavirus deaths and would greatly reduce the president's efforts to campaign for re-election. It's a speech that Democratic presidential…

Top Lib Donors’ Spending BEATS Top Conservative Donors by Over $100M

April 29th, 2020 3:14 PM

Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by over $100 million. Records reveal that all top liberal donors listed by Open Secrets (59) spent a whopping $191,827,021 combined so far on liberal groups…

Protest Platform: China Cracks Down on 'Animal Crossing' Video Game

April 18th, 2020 5:46 PM
Communist China is now trying to take the fun out of the new game Animal Crossing: New Horizons by banning sales of it there, and it's all thinaks to the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong using the game as a platform to get their dissident message across.

Trump-Hating Abdul-Jabbar Slams Trump Actions on Virus

March 17th, 2020 3:43 PM
"The NBA has led by example and put public health above self-interest, which is more than the Trump administration can say," writes "Kareem Abdul-lower-the-bar," I mean Abdul-Jabbar. The Trump-hating former NBA center is obsessed with hitting the president below the belt, and he filed his latest attack in The Guardian in a post titled "Why suspending the NBA season was a glorious act of…

Media Laud Alabama's Forced Vasectomy Bill as 'Clap Back'

February 22nd, 2020 8:00 AM
Last year, Alabama passed into law a ban on abortion, except when the mother's life is in danger. Democratic state Representative Rolanda Hollis wasn't too happy about her state seeking to protect life, even though the law was blocked by a federal judge. In response, she's introduced a bill requiring men to pay for their own vasectomy a month before turning 50, or after their third child,…

Media Accuse Trump of Politicizing Daytona 500

February 16th, 2020 3:00 PM
Media coverage of Sunday's Daytona 500 NASCAR race accused President Donald Trump of politicizing this huge sporting spectacle and using it as a campaign appearance. Whether it was the Associated Press, The Guardian, or New York Times, the disdain for both the President and the fan base was out in full force from the left-wing media.

Top 4 Liberal Donors Dwarf Top 39 Conservative Donors’ Spending

February 10th, 2020 4:54 PM
Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10 that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall. The outlet used its reporting (citing “three Republican fundraisers familiar with Adelson’s initial plans”) to suggest later that “The president’s courting of the Adelsons contradicts his claims…

Gullible Guardian Picks Up Fusion GPS Disinfo, Still Pushing Fake News

December 16th, 2019 12:05 AM
Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the deluded duo of former journalists behind Fusion GPS, the Democratic opposition research group responsible for the discredited “dossier” from British spy Christopher Steele, has put out a calling card for business in Great Britain: “Britain needs its own Mueller report on Russian ‘interference.’” Simpson and Fritsch, who helped snarl Donald Trump and his staff…

Former NBA Great Abdul-Jabbar Bashes Fox News, Conservatives

December 6th, 2019 12:39 PM
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Thursday leveled a double-barreled attack on white, Christian Americans and conservative media in a caustic defense of Colin Kaepernick's recent anti-Thanksgiving Day activities. The former NBA great and Guardian writer shamed them by portraying Kaepernick as "the black Grinch for those who dream of a white America."

YouTube Made 30 Changes to Lower ‘Borderline’ Video Views by 70%

December 4th, 2019 2:36 PM
YouTube defines itself as an “open video platform,” where videos that don’t break the rules are free to flourish. But a new blog from the company contradicts its own statement. “The Fours Rs of Responsibility, Part 2” detailed the 30 changes YouTube made to its algorithms in the last year in order to promote what it labelled “authoritative news” and to demote “borderline content.”

Top NYT Editor: Calling Reporters Names 'Puts Their Lives at Risk'

November 18th, 2019 2:37 PM
The Drudge Report on Monday linked to an interview New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet gave to the socialist British newspaper The Guardian. Baquet went Full Acosta and insisted that when President Trump calls reporters names, it endangers their lives. Aren't reporters supposed to have thick skins? They dish it out, but can't take it? So when The New York Times compares the president to…

22 News Outlets Slam Facebook for Political Ads

October 30th, 2019 1:35 PM
The media are opposed to anything that remotely resembles a neutral approach. So when Facebook decided to leave political ads from politicians untouched, the liberal news media  declared war. Head of Facebook News Campbell Brown wrote in an Oct. 30 Facebook post that she was “astonished at the reaction by other journalists to Facebook's decision not to police speech from political candidates.”

Abdul-Jabbar Writes Plan for Dems to Recapture White House

October 18th, 2019 10:00 AM
Fearing another loss by Democrats in the 2020 elections, would-be political adviser Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is offering a game plan to progressives in hopes that their nominee will defeat "liar and cheater" President Donald Trump in the UK Guardian.