NYT Columnists Scared, Angry Over Kavanaugh (And You Better Be Too)

October 9th, 2018 2:08 PM
It’s evidently going to take some time for the post-Kavanaugh confirmation healing to begin at the New York Times. With near unanimity the paper’s columnists, some of them former reporters, are reacting with anger and contempt over Trump’s victory against the Democrat’s Supreme Court smear campaign. Columnist Paul Krugman  rehashed his tired old line about “The Paranoid Style in G.O.P. Politics…

NYT’s Bruni Gushes Over ‘The Year’s Biggest Stars’: Anti-Trump Dems

September 4th, 2018 10:51 AM
New York Times columnist (and former White House reporter) Frank Bruni again took up the Democratic cause as the mid-terms approach, coauthor of “The Faces That Tell The Story of 2018,” flattering 13 lucky first-time Democratic candidates. The text box: “Remarkable first-timers spurred by Trump to help Democrats retake the House.” The unbearable sappiness starts right at the top, with a candidate…

Bourdain About Reading NYT Op-Ed Page: 'I Wanna F-ing Kill Myself'

July 17th, 2018 7:36 AM
On Monday, the transcript of a February interview with CNN host Anthony Bourdain surfaced, and most accounts reported his comments on Bill Clinton: "Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting." But he also said "I read the op-ed page of the New York Times and I wanna f---ing kill myself." Thomas Friedman, Maureen Dowd, and Nicholas Kristof were singled out for mockery.

CNN Panel Turns Backlash Against Clinton Into Attack on Trump

June 5th, 2018 3:16 PM
A panel of guests on Monday's CNN Tonight With Don Lemon took turns trying to deflect from the public backlash against former President Bill Clinton after he refused to take responsibility for the Monica Lewinsky scandal during a contentious interview with NBC reporter Craig Melvin on the Today show that morning. Anchor Don Lemon and his pundits instead tried to turn the focus against President…

Frank Bruni, David Axelrod: Trump's Jack Johnson Pardon a Cynical Move

May 27th, 2018 11:19 PM
As expected during this era of Trump Derangement Syndrome, several media members and outlets have had a tough time maturely handling President Donald Trump's pardon of early 20th-century boxer Jack Johnson, the sport's first black heavyweight champion. Likely topping them all were the reactions of Frank Bruni of the New York Times and former Barack Obama adviser and current CNN Senior Political…

NYT's Style Mag: 'Terrifying...Bogeyman' Reagan Sowed NYC Fear

April 25th, 2018 6:55 PM
The New York Times devoted the latest edition of its fashion mag, T Magazine, to marking the early 1980s in New York City, but used prominent pieces to bash President Ronald Reagan as a "terrifying" Christian-right ogre. From the introduction: "...with the inauguration of a conservative president who was no great friend to the arts, or to marginalized groups, including immigrants, the poor and…

CNN Host Finds Nothing But ‘Racist’ Intent in Trump ‘Breeding’ Tweet

April 24th, 2018 12:03 AM
After a trio of CNN political analysts pestered Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about a controversial Trump tweet on immigration during Monday’s White House press briefing, the speculation about the President’s intent continued on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront later that evening. And, of course, the only implications they could think of involved the President being a staunch racist. “And…

NYT’s Bruni Still Looney for Texas Democrats: GOP ‘Blood in the Water’

April 16th, 2018 6:18 PM
For the second week in a row, The New York Times Sunday Review featured Frank Bruni, former White House reporter, once again using the slot to cheerlead for Democrats to take over Texas in the November elections: “Will Democrats Win the House? Ask Texas.” The text box: “The victory-starved party smells ‘blood in the water.’” The Times has long been obsessed with turning Texas blue for years, at…

NYT’s Bruni Loony Over Beto, Dem. Opponent of ‘A**-Hole Ted Cruz

April 8th, 2018 3:12 PM
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni went to Houston to personally deliver an embarrassing fanboy letter to the latest Democratic hope against the loathed conservative Sen. Ted Cruz, in “Watch Out, Ted Cruz. Beto Is Coming” in the Sunday Review. The text box: “The Senate race in Texas just might be the happiest political fable ever.”

Silly Things NYT Writers Say: Pathetic Patriots, Killer Tobacco Execs

January 25th, 2018 4:05 PM
On Wednesday, former reporter Frank Bruni’s ridiculous extended metaphor linked the Super Bowl, the New England Patriots, Donald Trump, and the American economy in a web of corruption: “The Hell of This Year’s Super Bowl.” The text box: “It’s the Patriots, again, and a metaphor for Trump’s America.” Not to be outdone, Nicholas Kristof wrote the next day that "American tobacco executives have…

CNN Panel Doubts Presidential Doctor, Claim He's Just a 'Trump Fanboy'

January 17th, 2018 12:26 AM
CNN is the self-proclaimed arbiter of truth with their so-called “#FactsFirst” campaign. But after Presidential Physician and Navy Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson announced that President Trump was in both excellent mental and physical health, the anti-Trump news network had their conspiracy theories in a death grip. And during Tuesday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon and his panel of liberal…

Matthews Suggests Trump Channel Mussolini, Murder Son-In-Law

June 29th, 2017 10:25 PM
Go ahead and criticize President Trump’s Mika tweet, but there’s no denying this was disturbing. On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews compared the President to not only communist Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam and a modern-day Romanov but also channel Benito Mussolini having son-in-law Jared Kushner murdered.

NY Times Builds Wall of Obstinate Leftism Around Sunday Opinion

April 4th, 2017 10:32 AM
So much for alternative points of view in the New York Times. With the news pages devoted to kneecapping the new administration, one would hope that a few right-of-center voices might at least slip into the weekend opinion sections. But the paper’s Sunday Review section is just as predictably, reflexively leftist. In fact, all you really need to read are the titles and teasers. Just for starters…

NY Times’ Frank Bruni Stands Up For Free Speech Against Left-Wing Mobs

March 9th, 2017 1:35 PM
Violent leftist mobs driving conservative speakers off campus is a story often sidelined by a liberal media reluctant to make the enemies of their conservative enemies look bad. An exception was made on the Monday, March 6 episode of the PBS talk show Charlie Rose, featuring New York TImes columnist Frank Bruni as a guest discussing the physical attacks committed during conservative scholar…