Latest Excuse For Venezuela's Food Shortages: Military Mismanagement

July 16th, 2016 2:38 PM
The latest installment in leftist excuse-making when socialism fails goes into the "It would work if leaders just had the right people handling things" file. It comes in the form of a Friday morning "analysis" at the Associated Press. Writers Jorge Rueda and Joshua Goodman want readers to believe that the economy in the Bolivarian socialist and once fairly prosperous nation of Venezuela would be…

Williams Tells Viewers in Nice Coverage He's ‘Plowed Over’ 'Hardball'

July 15th, 2016 12:18 AM
MSNBC’s breaking news anchor Brian Williams has had quite the few weeks with deplorable and head-scratching moments, but he again couldn’t help himself on Thursday night while covering the terrorist truck attack in Nice, France by apologizing to Hardball host Chris Matthews for having “just plowed over the normal hour of airtime” for him.

NBC Uses Assad Interview to Harp on Trump's Inexperience, Muslim Ban

July 14th, 2016 7:34 PM
NBC News foreign correspondent Bill Neely interviewed Syrian President and brutal dictator Bashar Al-Assad that began airing on Wednesday night and, somehow, large portions of the hour-long special were dedicated to harping on Donald Trump’s candidacy, if his lack of foreign policy experience concerned Assad and if his Muslim ban hurt his feelings.

BET, MTV Townhall Smears Police as Hunters, Must Be Defunded, Disarmed

July 11th, 2016 1:10 PM
On Friday night, BET and MTV convened an hour-long, commercial-free townhall on police-involved shootings of African-Americans with only distant mentions of what transpired the night before in Dallas but focused heavily on denigrating law enforcement as hunters and “a gang” meant to terrorize blacks from America’s founding, the need for white people to recognize privilege, and lobby for the…

NYT Writer’s ‘Star Wars’ Analogy: U.S. Is the Empire vs. Iraqi Rebels

July 3rd, 2016 7:32 PM
Writing in the Sunday Review section of The New York Times, U.S. military veteran Roy Scranton admitted that he’s come realize that his time in Iraq with his fellow servicemen and women had morphed him into “the faceless storm trooper” while “the scrappy rebels were the Iraqis.”

Nets Ignore Murdered American in Israel, Praise Military Trans Policy

June 30th, 2016 11:07 PM
Early Thursday morning news broke that a 13 year girl was brutally murders in Israel, and later that day it was release that she was American and killed by a Palestinian terrorist. As Fox News’ Bret Baier reported on Special Report, “Police say a Palestinian teenager snuck into a Jewish settlement Thursday and stabbed a 13-year-old American girl as she slept in her bed.” But the networks were…

Maher: Obama Should Apologize for America 'Acting Like a Nasty Drunk'

June 25th, 2016 3:38 PM
Concluding his Real Time show on Friday, HBO comedian Bill Maher called on President Barack Obama to go on an "apology tour" around the world to "drive Republicans nuts" and, presumably if Donald Trump loses the presidential election, to send a message that America is "back on our meds." On one of his most anti-America rants, Maher asserted that America "did some bad s***" in its history and has…

Purification of America

June 22nd, 2016 2:43 PM
In 2008, Barack Obama promised a fundamental transformation of America. Where that promise has gone unfulfilled the most is in areas of sexual and racial discrimination. What's worse is the official sanction given to such discrimination. Let's look at some of it.

Daily Kos Writer: Only ‘Idiots’ Think Saying ‘Radical Islam' Matters

June 17th, 2016 8:52 PM
In a Monday piece, the writer who goes by Doctor RJ dismissed opponents of the PC agenda as “white conservatives” who believe they’re being victimized by “a thought-policing left,” whereas in reality “this is not a situation where people are being silenced from expressing an opinion.” As the Doctor sees it, “When we break the political correctness argument down, it’s really about idiots wanting…

No, President Obama, Americans Don't Need to Examine Themselves

June 15th, 2016 11:43 AM
President Obama's predictable reaction to the latest heinous, unprovoked terrorist massacre of innocent citizens on American soil would be embarrassing if it weren't so disgraceful. This man's term can't end quickly enough. There is just no excuse for Obama's warped moral compass -- the way he excuses the culpable. And his judgments are not happening in a vacuum; they are guiding his policies,…

Amidst Orlando, Williams Jokes About Hunting GOP 'With a Flashlight'

June 12th, 2016 10:25 PM
While he apologized roughly six minutes later, MSNBC breaking news anchor and disgraced ex-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams jokingly asked former Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida during an interview about the Orlando terror attack if he could find his party in the 2016 election “with a flashlight.”

Holt, Smith Frame Orlando as Issue of Gun Control, Not Islamic Terror

June 12th, 2016 7:48 PM
Closing out a special edition NBC Nightly News on Sunday night, weekday anchor Lester Holt and correspondent Harry Smith irresponsibly framed the Orlando terror attack on a gay nightclub as being an issue of gun control and mass shootings instead of one concerning the ideology of radical Islamists and anyone who wavers from it.

Surprise: PBS Town Hall Audience Hammers Obama on Jobs, Health Care

June 2nd, 2016 3:10 PM
Wednesday night’s PBS NewsHour town hall in Elkhart, Indiana had it all with host Gwen Ifill attacking residents for not supporting President Barack Obama and the President praising PBS’s “civility,” but it also featured audience members surprisingly being allowed to blast the President on issues ranging from the economy to ObamaCare to regulations to veterans.

Lauer Imagines Homophobia at Pentagon Toward Gay Army Sec

June 2nd, 2016 1:28 PM
On Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer cheered the “historic accomplishment” of Army Secretary Eric Fanning being the first openly gay military service leader, but fretted over reaction from his Defense Department colleagues: “Have you ever had to confront someone here at the Pentagon because of something they said to your face, something you heard they said behind your back, or a careless…