
Univision News Dials Back The Bias for TV Coverage of Abortion Ruling

June 30th, 2016 8:00 AM
Univision's news brand pretty much centers around the stridency of its immigration coverage these days. However, it is fascinating to watch the network try to hide its biases on other major issues, as evidenced by coverage of the Supreme Court's ruling in the Texas abortion case.

Univision baja el tono para fallo del Supremo en caso de aborto de TX

June 30th, 2016 7:59 AM
Estos días, lo que es la marca de Noticias Univisión gira en torno a la estridencia con la que cubre el tema migratorio. Sin embargo, es fascinante ver a la cadena tratar de ocultar sus sesgos a la hora de cubrir otros casos controversiales, como vemos en su cobertura del fallo emitido por el Tribunal Supremo en el caso de aborto de Texas.

Jorge Ramos ve racismo tras fallo DAPA y triunfo Brexit

June 29th, 2016 11:12 AM
El presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos se ha dignado en brindarnos su opinión más reciente. En el transcurso de hacerlo, busca la manera de entrelazarla con la política presidencial actual, y señala al responsable de siempre.

DAPAgeddon: Spanish Nets Sold Viewers A Bill Of Goods And Fell Short

June 26th, 2016 11:27 PM
DAPAgeddon arrived last Thursday, in the form of the Supreme Court's ruling against the Obama Administration's executive amnesties, and news coverage was as awful as one would expect. The time has now come for our domestic Spanish-language media to reflect on its role in the toxic political environment surrounding immigration policy and the coverage it receives therein.   

GOP Anti-Poverty Initiative Ignored By Top Spanish Nets

June 10th, 2016 12:44 PM
House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Republicans have released a comprehensive plan to tackle poverty in America, but so far Univision and Telemundo have studiously ignored covering the proposal. The country’s top two Spanish-language television networks have failed to devote any coverage to the House Republican majority’s initiative, which aims to encourage work, improve education and tailor…

Univision Misrepresents Ties To New RNC Hispanic Media Boss

June 3rd, 2016 12:04 AM
Sometimes, you can just look at a story as it unspools and know, instinctively, that the corrupt establishment media is going to find a way to embarrass itself. Univision is no different, the latest proof of that coming via the network's brazen material misrepresentation of its former relationship with the RNC's new Director of Hispanic Media, Helen Aguirre-Ferré.

Univision Goes All In on Bloomberg 'Wear Orange' Anti-Gun Propaganda

June 2nd, 2016 1:00 PM
Univision's uniquely biased brand of "no two sides" advocacy journalism is no secret to anyone, particularly readers of this byline. Today, the network is partnering with a notorious Bloomberg-funded anti-gun group in propaganda efforts aimed at pressuring the public into creating a demand for increased curtailment of our Second Amendment rights.

Univision News Calls for More Recruitment of Noncitizens into Military

May 31st, 2016 9:56 PM
When a news organization advances an agenda, everything is fair game. Univision News demonstrated as much during its shamefully politicized Memorial Day Weekend coverage.

El Abucheo: María Elena Salinas rompe el silencio

May 31st, 2016 11:36 AM
Tras una semana controvertida, la presentadora del Noticiero Univisión María Elna Salinas ha decidido expresarse en torno a la controversia suscitada tras su discurso ante los graduandos del recinto de Fullerton de la Universidad Estatal de California. Lamentablemente, su columna de opinión al respecto deja mucho que desear y levanta interrogantes nuevas en lugar de cerrar las que ya existían.

WashPost Pushes Univision Voter Registration Drive

May 25th, 2016 3:18 PM
As further proof that the nation’s leading Hispanic media are really a subset of the establishment media - as opposed to something independent of it - the Washington Post has decided to once again dedicate prime ink to the showcasing of Univision’s much-ballyhooed voter registration drive.

El Washington Post promueve campaña inscripción electoral de Univision

May 25th, 2016 3:18 PM
Como prueba adicional de que los medios principales de la prensa hispana no son sino una burbuja dentro de la burbuja mediática de Washington, el diario The Washington Post se ha dado a la tarea de volverle a dedicar tinta a la promoción de la muy sonada campaña de inscripción electoral de Univisión.

National Press Ignores Conservative Win in CA Donor Disclosure Trial

April 22nd, 2016 11:59 PM
Americans For Prosperity won a huge court victory in California Thursday against that state's hard-left vindictive attorney general, Kamala Harris. Naturally, the national press is doing what it does when it doesn't want to cover a story: letting the Politico cover it and then pretending that this suffices. Harris demanded that AFP provides the section of its not-for-profit Federal Form 990…

El anticipo a la audiencia DACA/DAPA fue tan viciada como se imaginan

April 22nd, 2016 1:42 PM
Sí Se Pudo.

Reid Told Candidate 'Muslim Cannot Win' Election: Will Nets Report?

March 29th, 2016 6:57 PM
A Muslim Democrat running for a Nevada seat in the U.S. House of Representatives supposedly received some stunning advice during a private meeting with retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid: “You should not run for this office” because “a Muslim cannot win this race.” According to an article by David Farenthold, who covers Congress for the Washington Post, Jesse Sbaih -- an immigrant from…