MSNBC: 2.7-Degree Celsius Temperature Increase Equals 37 Degrees Fahrenheit

November 9th, 2015 3:32 PM

At the math-challenged mess known as MSNBC, the network's "all new video experience" known as "Shift by MSNBC" tweeted a dire warning: "Latest UN report says humanity will warm the planet by 2.7˚C or roughly 37˚F." Though not revealed in the tweet, this warming will allegedly occur by 2100.

If MSNBC's conversion were true, it would of course mean that the earth as we know it is in dire straits. Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for the ignoramuses at MSNBC, 2.7 degrees Celsius equates to roughly 4.9 degrees Fahrenheit — and even that estimate, based on the track record of computer models which have been predicting the arrival of catastrophic global warming, looks (excuse the expression) cooked.

Here is the tweet in question (since deleted, but still available here in Google cache; full-page graphic saved here; HT Twitchy):


Unfortunately for the credibility of the warmists' models, the planet hasn't even left the starting gate on its predicted march to even the correctly converted increase, as there has been no global warming for almost 19 years. Specifically, as noted by Christopher Monckton at Watts Up With That:

The least-squares linear-regression trend on the RSS satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset shows no global warming for 18 years 9 months since February 1997, though one-third of all anthropogenic forcings have occurred during the period of the Pause.

... So long a stasis in global temperature is simply inconsistent not only with the extremist predictions of the computer models but also with the panic whipped up by the rent-seeking profiteers of doom rubbing their hands with glee in Paris.

In other words, what should be causing global warming to occur is taking place — but it hasn't led to global warming. This is a big problem for the rent-seeking profiteers.

In related news:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is stiff-arming Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith's demand for information from a controversial study on climate change.

... Citing confidentiality and the integrity of the scientific process, NOAA has decided not to turn over internal communications demanded in a subpoena from Smith's House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, the journal Nature reports.

According to Nature, the study, published last June, analyzed NOAA's temperature records and found that global warming has continued at a steady pace — contradicting previous findings suggesting warming has slowed since the 1990s.

Smith, a critic of climate change, asked NOAA in July for the data used in the study and for any internal communications related to it, but NOAA has only given his committee publicly available data ...

In other words, NOAA cooked existing data, but won't reveal its recipe. Last time, I checked, NOAA isn't fast-food chain KFC, and defiance of a congressional subpoena was, to use what has apparently become a term no longer associated with potential negative consequences, illegal.

As to MSNBC, how could such an ignorant tweet have made it to the Internet? Either plausible answer — that no one reviewed the originator's work before it was published or that the reviewer(s) are as ignorant as the originator — is incredibly damning.

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