Salon Writer: To Get a Gun, You Should Have to Take a Bullet

October 17th, 2015 8:17 PM

D. Watkins has written at for about 1-1/2 years.

In his previous columns, he has shown that he fits right in with the "white privilege and oppression of blacks explains everything" crowd. Friday (HT Twitchy), he went into uncharted territory, seriously suggesting that no American should be able to own a gun until they "know the pain of getting hit" (bolds are mine):

Want a gun? Take a bullet: Take this, gutless NRA cowards — you can have a gun, once you understand the pain of being shot

Gun control doesn't go far enough. If you want license to carry a weapon, you should know the pain of getting hit

... I believe that being shot should be requirement for gun ownership in America. It’s very simple. You need to have gun, like taking selfies with pistols, can’t live with out (sic) it? Then take a bullet and you will be granted the right to purchase the firearm of your choice.

If we could successfully implement this rule, I guarantee the mass shootings will stop.

It's really dumb to even begin to theorize about this, but a reasonable prediction is that Watkins' loony tunes idea would drive the entire firearms industry underground. It would make it extraordinarily difficult for people who need to defend themselves from abusive spouses and stalkers to arm themselves, but "illegal" weapons obtained in a pain-free manner would be readily available to criminals — and mass shooters.


Watching cable news now in days makes me physically ill. Week in and week out we are forced to learn about another coward, who can’t stand to deal with the same rejection that most of us face–– so they strap themselves with guns and then cock and spray at innocent people. Heartbroken survivors and family member images go viral, as our elected officials remain clueless.

The Democrats faced off for the first time this week. Clinton lead with a stat that was just as staggering as it was sad, “90 people a day die due to gun violence!” followed by the rhetoric that has been tossed around for years––more rigorous gun laws coupled with a stricter screening process and plans that are never clear or properly fleshed out. She and Bernie traded blows on who’s tougher but still––no solutions on aggressively addressing this matter.

People like Dr. Ben Carson make matters worse with the same tired sayings that offer guns as a solution to everything––even historic tragedies like the Holocaust and recommending that fire arms be present in elementary classrooms. I know that if you want to win a Republican nomination, you must be a rifle-hugging Christian. However, Carson’s responses to our nation’s gun problem, along with statements from the rest of the gang that make up the Republican candidates on the these mass shootings have been some of the most disrespectful, insensitive things I ever heard in my life and represent why many in our nation are disenchanted with party politics.

I expect the disconnect from a guy like Trump who has probably never met a poor person in his life, but Carson spent years in my hometown of Baltimore. The nation knows that people in Baltimore are quick to reach for their guns, as our per capita murder ranks among the highest in the country every year. Carson worked at Johns Hopkins, a place that treated many victims of senseless gun violence and even tells the story of the time a dude in Popeye’s whipped out on him. If that dude would have shot him, his view on gun control would be completely different.

Sorry, Mr. Watkins, I doubt Carson's view would be any different if he had been shot. He's seen enough shooting victims to understand the pain involved, even if he hasn't experienced it himself.

Finally, no rant by a raging black racist would be complete without a bogus allusion to slavery:

... Gun praisers are just like the people who were in favor of slavery back in the day–– the elite, lazy and ignorant who weren’t being beaten, raped or in the field doing the work, so they were perfectly okay with involuntary servitude, which is a problem and why I think gun owners need to feel more––they need a taste of the other side.

So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling­­––then the right to bear arms will be all yours.

I suppose there's no value in letting Watkins know that an important component of keeping the Jim Crow regimes in force in the South was keeping blacks unarmed.

Notice how Watkins, from all appearances a sadistic authoritarian in waiting, adds more conditions after sucking readers in. He reveals that he wants prospective gun owners to be shot in a manner which may involve dying ("if you survive"), and he'll only let you acquire a gun if you "enjoy" being shot.

There's no point in going on with this. We have a sick man-child in a sick far-left publication promulgating a sick idea to an apparently largely sick audience.

Watkins "teaches writing at Coppin State University." Meanwhile, sometime in the past several days I came across an item claiming that there are so few conservatives and Republicans on college faculties because conservatives and Republicans are so much dumber than Democrats and liberals.

It is to laugh.

Cross-posted at