He's Magical! Al Hunt on Slick Willie: 'Yes, Bill Clinton Still Has It'

January 10th, 2016 9:34 AM

Bill Clinton can be shameless in his political life because he has thousands of enablers, just like Hillary. They’re the Democratic Party and the liberal media. Take Al Hunt, for many years the Washington Bureau Chief of The Wall Street Journal and a certified member of the Pundit Elite. On Bloomberg View, he wrote a piece headlined, “Yes, Bill Clinton Still Has It.” Magic, that is.

Hunt, who also ran the D.C. bureau for Bloomberg News, began: “Does Bill Clinton still have his political magic? How much of it can he transfer to his wife? The answers: Yes and not much.”

A large fraction of Clinton’s “magic” is granted to him by liberal journalists who nearly smother him in praise as a masterful politician, even as they cover up every scandal and nasty thing he’s done or said. Then, as Al Hunt demonstrates, they demand every Clinton opponent realize that it’s idiocy to contradict them:

By assailing Hillary Clinton for supposedly enabling her husband's sexual peccadilloes two decades ago, Donald Trump might gain some ground with his party's hardcore, Clinton-hating base. But it certainly won't hurt Bill Clinton; it might even help Hillary with women who resent seeing her blamed for her husband's infidelities by Trump, who could also face criticism for moral failings.

In any case, Trump, who puts more stock in polls -- or at least those showing him ahead -- than George Gallup, would kill for Bill Clinton's ratings.

This is, to put it bluntly, stupid. Ex-presidents normally have high public esteem. Because they’re ex-presidents. It’s like saying Trump would kill for George H. W. Bush’s ratings. This is the same Hunt that insulted Trump as the "Caitlyn Jenner of American politics."

Yes, Hunt proclaims, Clinton is our “most resilient politician” – again, because amoral journalists like Hunt are the bounce:

The former president is the most resilient politician of this, and probably any, era. He seemed doomed when the sex scandal involving a White House intern erupted during his presidency. Republicans then foolishly tried to remove him from office for lying about sex. That backfired: Bill Clinton led his party to unusual gains in the 1998 midterm elections and left office in 2001 with a 66 percent approval rating.

Once again, Hunt is playing games with polls. “Unusual gains in the 1998 midterm elections”? That's just a stupid thing to say. Memorize this, liberal journalists: The Republicans lost four seats in the House, and the Senate was unchanged. It was only "unusual" in that everyone expected more Republican success. Al Gore lost by a sliver in 2000. That doesn’t say something about Bill?

Hunt concluded with another warning that Republicans should never attack his political idol:

He can't win the Democratic nomination for Hillary; that's her job. But it's easy to imagine the anticipation as he approaches the podium at the Philadelphia convention, where Democrats are nominating a Clinton for the third time. In the general election, Republicans will attack him at their own peril.