Clueless AFP Portrays Coffee Party as a Major Political Force

October 26th, 2010 10:18 AM

Somebody should send a message to the absolutely clueless AFP (Agence France-Presse) news agency: the Coffee Party today is about as signficant a political force as the Prohibition Party. However, in this AFP story by Edouard Guihaire the Coffee Party,  which pretty much died almost at birth, is portrayed as a major political force on a par with the Tea Party. Perhaps Guihaire is new to America and has not woken up to the sad reality of the moribund Coffee Party which even our own liberal mainstream media has given up covering after an initial flurry of hype at the beginning of the year. So here is AFP laughably trying to convince its readers about the incredible political significance of the Whig... I mean Coffee...Party:

WOODBRIDGE, Virginia — A progressive infusion in US politics, the Coffee Party is brewing a strong counter-movement to the ultra-conservative Tea Party, just a week ahead of the US legislative elections.

Born in January in reaction to the bashing President Barack Obama's proposed health care reform was getting in Congress and the media, the Coffee Party first took shape on Facebook.

"It started on my personal Facebook page," said party founder Annabel Park, a small, soft spoken woman with a strong character.

Yeah, Park is a "small soft spoken woman with a strong character" who "coincidentally" also worked as an Obama political operative. However, let us not stop Guihaire in the midst of his Coffee Party fantasy:

An article in The Washington Post helped the Coffee Party take off, with thousands of new members signing on, some with their own local committees, she said.

With that, the Coffee Party went from a personal project to a non-partisan political movement that "gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government," as it says in its mission statement.

It stands in direct opposition to the Tea Party's professed goal of stopping "intrusive government" in favor of "common sense constitutional conservative self-governance."

"Common sense constitutional conservative self-governance?" Gee! It almost sounds like the Coffee Party is a conservative movement instead of what it really is: the failed leftwing attempt to counter the Tea Party movement.

The good news for Mr. Guihaire is that although the recent Coffee Party convention in Louisville, Kentucky was all but ignored by the national media, it did inspire a piece of great music. Political rap. I urge Guihaire to carefully study the video of that historic musical event and report back to his readers on the great impact it is having on the political world.