FNC Interviews 'Angry Democrat' Who Challenged Hoyer on ObamaCare

August 10th, 2009 2:44 PM

On Friday's Glenn Beck Program on FNC, substitute host Eric Bolling interviewed the now-famous "angry Democrat," Don Jeror, who confronted House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer at a recent public event as he challenged the Democratic push for universal health insurance. At the event, Jeror famously contended that while President Obama took six months to choose a dog for his family, Congress is "trying to stuff the health care bill down our throat in three to four weeks."

During his interview on FNC, Jeror summarized the potential risks to the elderly posed by the institution of public health insurance, and proclaimed that America has "the best health care in the world."

Said Jeror:

There's nothing subtle about our government. It's a logical progression. Money is going to get tight. It always does. And when that money gets tight, what's going to happen is the health care for the elderly is going to be cut back. They are the least productive citizens in the government's point of view. The truth of the matter is, there is no problem with American health care other than the cost. We have the best health care in the world, but you don't burn down your house or tear down your house to remodel your living room. You work with the existing structure.

Below is a complete transript of the interview from the Friday, August 7, Glenn Beck Program on FNC:

ERIC BOLLING: You might have heard about this guy, the angry Democrat who demanded the truth at a recent town hall in Upstate New York. Take a listen.

DON JEROR, ANGRY DEMOCRAT: They're lying to me.


JEROR: What are you waiting, I don't have sophisticated language. I recognize a liar when I see one. It was 53 percent this morning, now it's-

REP. STENY HOYER (D-MI): I didn't say it wasn't what you're saying.

JEROR: Well, you said it was the same as the Bush administration. No, it wasn't.

HOYER: I said it hadn't changed.

JEROR: No, it wasn't. Listen, I'm a registered Democrat, okay?

HOYER: Me, too.


JEROR: Why would you guys try to stuff the health care bill down our throat in three to four weeks when the President took six months to pick what he wanted for a dog for his kids?

BOLLING: Well, we decided to have him join us for a personal perspective on the health care debate sweeping the nation. With us now is Don Jeror. Don, first of all, congratulations. You went there and you spoke your mind. You were passionate. Were you nervous?

JEROR: Absolutely. I'm real nervous right now, as a matter of fact. Let me clarify something. First of all, this wasn't really a town hall. This was, this was set up to actually discuss high-speed rail, but we hadn't been able to contact Michael Arcuri, we had called his office and called his office, and never got an answer. So this was the only place we could go that we knew he was going to be. We had no idea Steny Hoyer was even going to be there.

BOLLING: Well, you know, I would guess you have House Leader Steny Hoyer, you might as well ask him what's on your mind. It doesn't have to be about, I don't know, high-speed trains, why not the most pressing thing on your mind, health care. What was the response from the crowd? And we saw you. We saw you. We saw Steny Hoyer's response. What about the crowd? Were they behind you? Were they angry? What was their feeling?

JEROR: It kind of went back and forth. And make no mistake, at the end, Michael Arcuri and Steny Hoyer got a huge hand. It was a, it was an invitation-type Democratic event. I'm really disappointed, and I think it points out the absurdity of the situation when an average American can call a politician a liar and what happens is he gets on national news. Are these guys not used to being called liars? The facts are behind me. And he was either completely ignoring me or he was being deliberately ignorant.

BOLLING: Don, what concerns you most about the health care reform bill?

JEROR: What concerns me most is the government control. The government is a sledgehammer. There's nothing subtle about our government. It's a logical progression. Money is going to get tight. It always does. And when that money gets tight, what's going to happen is the health care for the elderly is going to be cut back. They are the least productive citizens in the government's point of view. The truth of the matter is, there is no problem with American health care other than the cost. We have the best health care in the world, but you don't burn down your house or tear down your house to remodel your living room. You work with the existing structure.

BOLLING: Don, I spend a lot of time on TV. I ask Congress people, I asked Senators, I ask anyone who will come on TV and have an opinion if they're in a place to vote on a bill like this, have they read it. Did anyone ask Steny Hoyer if he read the bill?

JEROR: I don't think we did that day. We sat there and did this. So it's understood, you know, everybody calls me the angry Democrat or the angry guy. But we sat there very quietly and listened to Michael Arcuri, the local Congressman, speak. I certainly do not agree with the guy. When Steny Hoyer came up and he actually told what I knew for a fact to be a lie, I confronted him on it. I sit there and yell at my TV like most Americans. I have done it for years and years. To actually call one of these guys out, you know, the way I describe it, $787 billion for a stimulus, $1.8 trillion for health care, calling Steny Hoyer out for a liar: priceless.

BOLLING: Priceless. There you go. We'll call you our angry Democrat. Thanks a lot, Don Jeror.

JEROR: Okay, thank you very much.