FNC's Cal Thomas Names Keith Olbermann Turkey of the Year

November 27th, 2006 9:51 PM

On FNC's Fox News Watch on Saturday, conservative columnist and FNC contributor Cal Thomas took to task MSNBC host Keith Olbermann for Olbermann's "inaccuracies" and "hot air" as the show's panelists got to voice their picks for the second annual "Turkey of the Year" award, which allows each panelist to dishonor media figures for disreputable behavior. Olbermann, who often uses his Countdown show's regular "Worst Person in the World" segment to attack conservative public figures, was called out by Thomas as someone who "is the greatest contributor to global warming because he spews more hot air than any other cable television show host." (Transcript follows)

After panelist Jane Hall had named Rush Limbaugh as her choice, host Eric Burns turned to Thomas, who started his response jokingly by complaining that Olbermann had incorrectly charged that Thomas dyes his hair. But Thomas also criticized Olbermann for "inaccuracies" in general. Below is a transcript of Thomas' comments on Olbermann from the November 25 Fox News Watch:

Cal Thomas: "Mine goes to Keith Olbermann of, what network is that, MSNBC I guess it is. Nobody's watching anyway. But he famously claimed that I dyed my hair once, and along with all of his other inaccuracies, that one is, too."

Eric Burns: "Cal can famously deny it because no-"

Thomas: "Nobody watches. That's right."

Burns, shaking his head: "No."

Thomas: "That's right. But I want to say also that Keith Olbermann is the greatest contributor to global warming because he spews more hot air than any other cable television show host. Now, if he only had a rating."