As Newsbusters’ Scott Whitlock noted last night, Sunday night’s hostile debate was made even more so by the performance of moderators Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper, who frequently tried to insert themselves into the debate by interrupting and arguing primarily with GOP candidate Donald Trump. During the debate, Martha Raddatz cut off Donald Trump on a number of questions while letting Hillary Clinton go over her time but this isn’t the first time she’s shown her bias as an ABC journalist.
In 2012 she gushed on Good Morning America, “Let’s face it, Hillary Clinton is cool,” following up the next year by calling Clinton “charming” during her Benghazi hearings. Newsbusters’ Geoff Dickens compiled a complete list of the liberal journalist’s worst outbursts.
For her pushy performance last night, Stephanopoulos praised Raddatz for doing a “great job” on Monday’s GMA. From one Clinton fan to another, we can only assume Stephanopoulos wishes it was him that had the opportunity to give Clinton the upper hand.
STEPHANOPOULOS: We want to bring that to Martha Raddatz. She was right there last night on the debate stage co-moderating. Martha, thank you for joining us. Great job last night.
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