The Understatement of American Generosity

September 7th, 2005 2:00 PM

New from the Business & Media Institute

The Understatement of American Generosity
The media have attacked corporations like Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobil and the U.S. drug companies for making too much money. Now, those companies are using some of their hard-earned profits to help hurricane victims and network news has shown little interest.

Herman Cain: The Business of Rebuilding
Though the media have focused mainly on the federal government and its response to Katrina, individuals and corporate America have responded quickly with large contributions. Herman Cain, a businessman and national chairman of the Business & Media Institute, takes his column this month to explain why hes hopeful about the Gulf Coasts future.

Media Link Hurricanes and Global Warming for More than a Decade
As blame swirls around Hurricane Katrina, the media continue to draw global warming into the picture. The Business & Media Institute hopped into the time machine and went back as far as 1992 when broadcast journalists were doing the same thing. Though reporters keep interviewing scientists who tell them the global warming/hurricane theory is bunk, these examples of coverage through the years show theyre not getting the message.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly tracks the best and worst media coverage of business and economics. Readers are invited to submit suggestions or news tips to Director Dan Gainor.
This week: A rare, fair view of Wal-Mart; more hype about global warming and hurricanes; and, of course, more bad gas reporting.

Also from BMI:

Media Use Katrina to Predict Economic Downturn

Gas Prices Fuel More Bad Reporting

Media Do Poor Job of Reporting on the Poor

Research, News & Commentary

Hurricane Katrina

Commentary: Whats the best way the government can help with post-hurricane rebuilding? Get out of the way.

Free Market

Commentary: Catos Jerry Taylor explains why, if gas prices seem too high, our response should be: Gouge on!

Commentary: AEIs John Lott and Sonya Jones remind us that price controls only work against consumers.

Research: How do Americans feel about their jobs? AEIs report on The State of the American Worker gives some insight.


Research: The Census Bureau reported that poverty stayed flat in 2004. As Heritage Foundation analysis shows, the report doesnt tell the whole story but it does point to the need for pro-growth policies.

Additional Poverty Resources:

Understanding Poverty in America
Income Inequality in the United States


News: California says no to junk-food sales in schools.