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Brian Boyd | August 19th, 2005 1:17 PM

While introducing the lead story on Thursday’s Nightline, Ted Koppel confessed near confusion as to how the media missed attacking the NRA in July, when the Senate passed the latest gun bill. He described the media as "clearly on the side of stricter gun laws," then complained that the "press even missed it or overlooked" the bill which he described as "Christmas in July" for the NRA. To…

Dustin Hawkins | August 19th, 2005 12:59 PM

This week, officials from some two dozen countries met to discuss "global warming."

The AP reports (via WaPo) that "The meeting in the Arctic town of Ilulissat came at the end of a three-day trip by the officials through Greenland's spectacular but shrinking expanses of ice and snow. The vast island is one of the prime spots for assessing whether global warming is worsening."

Matthew Sheffield | August 19th, 2005 12:43 PM

If you have tried to sign up for a NewsBusters account in the past few days, you may have noticed you did not receive your password information in your email. This bug has now been fixed, however, you will need to get your password resent by filling out this form.

Signing up for a user account enables you to start discussions in our forums, removes the "not verified" from your comments…

Brent Baker | August 19th, 2005 11:36 AM
Before and after Cindy Sheehan’s announcement Thursday that she was leaving Crawford to attend to her ill mother, the networks celebrated her supposed achievements and hoped they’d re-invigorate the anti-war movement. “Did just one grieving mother spark the beginnings of an anti-war movement? We'll give you the 'Inside Story,'" CBS anchor John Roberts promised before Wyatt Andrews trumpeted: "Her…
Justin Darr | August 19th, 2005 11:17 AM

In the article, "Bush Aid Cuts on Court Issue Roil Neighbors," the "New York Times" distorts the true nature of the International Criminal Court and down plays American arguments against it.

To begin, the "Times" mistates the full scope of the jurisdiction of the Court, making it seem far smaller than it actually is, "Three years ago the Bush administration began prodding countries to…

Rich Noyes | August 19th, 2005 9:37 AM

NBC seems to be lending even more support to the far-left Air America radio network. As MRC noted last year, NBC news shows like Today gave lavish coverage of Air America’s launch, and — so far, at least — NBC News hasn’t uttered a single word about the growing scandal surrounding Air America, as New York City investigators and New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer probe how $875,000 from a…

Noel Sheppard | August 19th, 2005 9:30 AM

(As read on-air by Rush Limbaugh)

One hot and humid weekend this past July, America’s leading Democrats -- including some of the early favorites for their party’s 2008 presidential…

Greg Sheffield | August 19th, 2005 9:08 AM

The Free Market Project, a division of the Media Research Center that studies the media's coverage of the economy, concluded that despite the continued expansion of the economy, the "Big Three" networks chose to report negatively on the economy 62 percent of the time. Additionally, whenever there was a positive story, it would usually be treated as a brief. Amy Menefee, author of the report…

Dan Gainor | August 19th, 2005 8:16 AM

Blog readers were among the first to see the results of a Media Research Center Free Market Project analysis that showed the economy doing well while broadcast media coverage has shown otherwise. Today's Wall Street Journal bears that out. In an editorial labeled "Media Bears," the Journal points to the Free Market Project analysis as an answer to the question: Why is the American public down…

Tim Graham | August 19th, 2005 7:05 AM

Sometimes you pick up the Washington Post in the morning and you just want to throw it across the lawn. Today is one of those times. "Roberts Resisted Women's Rights"? Why not just say "Roberts Supports Dragging Women By Hair"?

What screams liberal bias here is the idea that a headline saying Roberts "resisted women's rights" is to imply he believes women don't have or deserve rights, an…

Brent Baker | August 19th, 2005 12:34 AM
The front page of Friday’s Washington Post features an article with a lead clearly framed through a liberal prism intended to paint Supreme Court nominee John Roberts as an extremist and/or a male chauvinist. “Roberts Resisted Women's Rights: 1982-86 Memos Detail Skepticism,” declares the headline over the August 19 story it took three reporters to research and write, Amy Goldstein, R. Jeffrey…
Dave Pierre | August 18th, 2005 11:11 PM

        Fox News' Bill O'Reilly has been busy recently zapping major newspapers for publishing misleading or false information.

        Last week, O'Reilly correctly noted that the Baltimore Sun, in this August 10, 2005, article, which called on President Bush to meet with Cindy Sheehan, failed to mention the fact that the President had already met with her before, in June 2004! (By the…

Tom Segel | August 18th, 2005 5:59 PM
The majority of Americans charge the Bush Administration is not prosecuting the war effectively. The mainstream media, however, use this polling information to advance anti-Bush, anti-war positions.

An example of this can be seen in an August 14 Knight Ridder article. Under a headline reading “Majority of public opposes Iraq war” is a lengthy article generally summarized in one paragraph…

Tim Graham | August 18th, 2005 4:04 PM

In his live chat today, Washington Post reporter/Master of the Snarky Arts Dana Milbank lowered himself to answering a conservative complaint that Cindy Sheehan is lamely attempting to achieve a second "do over" meeting with the President. Milbank replied: "No doubt the request for a second meeting is contrived. It's not as if Sheehan really believes she would change the president's mind.…

Ken Shepherd | August 18th, 2005 3:27 PM
I came across this otherwise obscure item via a Google search that I have which updates me on CBS News developments. Ex-CNNer Jason Bellini is joining a "gay and lesbian issues" news program on the Logo network, a network launched in late June 2005 by CBS parent company Viacom geared to gays and lesbians.

Former CNN correspondent Jason Bellini will anchor a new gay issue news program in Viacom…

Clay Waters | August 18th, 2005 3:10 PM

Surprise: Barney Calame wakes up and smells the scandal at the left-wing radio network.

Yes, the Times ombudsman and loyal company man (who to date has made his predecessor Daniel Okrent look like a profile in courage) finally finds something to criticize his paper about in his latest web journal entry: The paper's almost nonexistent Air America coverage.Calame admits: "Readers of The…
Brent Baker | August 18th, 2005 2:54 PM

On Wednesday night, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann labeled Rush Limbaugh as the day's "Worst Person in the World!" in a segment that airs regularly on his 8pm EDT Countdown show. He normally introduces three nominees for the dishonor -- tagged as "worse," "worser," and "worst." Olbermann took Limbaugh out of context in highlighting the Limbaugh quote promoted by a far-left group: “Cindy Sheehan is…

Lyford Beverage | August 18th, 2005 2:49 PM
The Boston Globe this morning leads with a large picture, first column, above the fold, of a group of candle-holding protestors in a "vigil" to show solidarity with Cindy Sheehan. It's a lovely shot, taken on a beach at sundown, and the people look like nice people. It is also framed in such a way that the crowd looks like it might have been much bigger than it actually was. The story doesn't…
Noel Sheppard | August 18th, 2005 2:40 PM

In a stunning example of how the mainstream press manipulates public opinion, as well as a clear explanation as to why the majority of the American people believes that the economy is doing poorly despite mountains of statistical evidence to the contrary, the press today decided to largely ignore one of the biggest one-day declines in energy prices in many months.

As I reported here…

| August 18th, 2005 2:00 PM

Gas Hysteria Oil Prices Drop and Networks Ignore It Continuing the media trend of ignoring positive economic news and highlighting negative news, the networks bypassed a huge decline in the price of oil.

     The media continue to overplay the gas price story.…