
Nets Abandon Border Crisis, Obsess Over Immigration Drama in Australia

February 17th, 2022 9:30 AM

The spiraling crisis on America’s southern border is spreading, rippling to all parts of the country with impacts on crime and national security. But you wouldn’t know that if you watched the networks in January. The total on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts dropped to a shocking ZERO for the month. 

Slimy NY Times Conflates Tucker With Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville

November 5th, 2021 8:04 AM

New York Times feature writer Elizabeth Williamson paired neo-Nazis who protested in Charlottesville with Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a 1,500-word profile of "renowned Holocaust scholar" Deborah Lipstadt. She was the “expert” in the headline “How America Got to Charlottesville: An Expert Draws a Map.” 


CNN Treats Biden to Another Clownish Pep Rally Littered With Softballs

October 22nd, 2021 2:10 AM

On Thursday night, CNN collaborated with the White House for the third town hall of Joe Biden’s presidency and fourth in 13 months and, as has been the case with the previous installments (which you can read about here, here, and here), Thursday’s 89-minute state-run media operation featured questions that were either sapless, unimaginative, or watered down to ensure they came across as…


Telemundo esconde violencia a favor del aborto en la Ciudad de México

September 30th, 2021 11:33 AM

​Noticias Telemundo encontró tiempo para elogiar a las mujeres "en toda Latinoamérica por protestar en el "Día de Acción Global por el acceso al aborto legal y seguro" (ahora Día Internacional del Aborto Seguro), pero excluyó el caos y la destrucción ocasionados en la Ciudad de México por un grupo de activistas feministas encapuchadas que celebraron el día hiriendo a 37 personas, entre ellos…

Jake Tapper Alejandro Mayorkas CNN SOTU 9-26-21

Tapper To DHS Sec: Share Your Praise Of Border Patrol With Biden

September 26th, 2021 4:52 PM

On CNN's State of the Union today, host Jake Tapper gets off quite the zinger to end his interview with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas had lavished praise on the Border Patrol, describing their "heroism," and saying he has been "incredibly proud to work alongside them."


SHOCK: Telemundo critica el desastrozo manejo de la crisis fronteriza

August 13th, 2021 11:40 AM

​A pocas horas de la visita del secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, a Brownsville, Texas, como parte de una gira de medios para abordar la crisis en la frontera sur, Telemundo entregó un inusual informe donde criticó el manejo de la crisis migratoria por parte del gobierno de Biden.


Costa Rican Gymnast Puts Up BLM Fist During Olympic Performance

July 28th, 2021 2:01 PM

The Olympic games will now be adding a category for ‘best virtue signaler’ after Costa Rican gymnast Luciana Alvarado decided to throw up a fist at the end of performance in support of the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter. The 18 year old athlete defied the International Olympic Committee’s guidelines in a selfish attempt to make the games political and divisive instead of a unifying…


MRCTV On The Street: Cuban Freedom March Against Communism/Socialism

July 27th, 2021 4:41 PM

Some of the largest anti-Communist protests in Cuban history are currently occurring 90 miles south of the United States because six decades of Marxism and its fruits have turned the island nation into a hellhole. People need to start seeing it for what it is. Everyday Americans should see how regimes built on Marxism end up trampling on and killing any concept of human rights. 



Doocy Owns Psaki on Runaway TX Dems, Refusing to Denounce Communism

July 14th, 2021 6:59 PM

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy went toe-to-toe with Press Secretary Jen Psaki during Wednesday’s briefing, challenging her on the hypocrisy surrounding Texas Democrats fleeing the state over proposed voter integrity measures and the administration’s refusal to denounce the evils of communism that have ravaged the Cuban people for 62 years.

What Foreign Dissidents Understand About the American Flag

July 14th, 2021 4:15 PM

This week, thousands of Cuban dissidents marched against the repressive communist tyranny that has subjugated the Cuban people for three generations. They chanted “Libertad!” and called for the end of the regime. And they carried aloft a symbol of freedom: the American flag. This isn't a rarity. It's a common sight among protesters for freedom worldwide. Before Hong Kong was turned into yet…


Doocy Calls Out WH Deflection on Cuba as AP, CNN Reporters Blame Trump

July 12th, 2021 5:23 PM

With Cubans having taken to the street over the weekend to protest the 62 years of communist rule that worsened during the coronavirus pandemic, AP and CNN White House reporters used Monday’s briefing to side with their friends in the Communist Party and demand Press Secretary Jen Psaki blame former President Trump’s posture toward the island nation for its economic ruin.


Joy Behar: We're on Slippery Slope to Cuba Because of GOP Voting Laws

July 12th, 2021 1:23 PM

In a shocking moment of solidarity, each of the hosts of The View hailed the protests that broke out in Cuba over the weekend, as Cubans took to the streets to rally against their communist government’s oppressive regime.  But like the networks did this morning, Joy Behar tried to use these protests as a way to bash Republicans.

NYT: Five Pages Celebrating Migrants Headed to USA Founded on Slavery

July 2nd, 2021 3:35 PM

Slow news days in the Biden administration? The New York Times print edition is once again crammed with activist photo-journalism in its news pages. While LGBTQ “heroes of color” recently had to make do with a single page of photo-journalism, the immigrants (whose stories can be genuinely affecting) received five full pages in Thursday’s news section devoted to their journeys to get…


ACTUALIZACIÓN: Univisión, ‘María Fernanda’ en contra la Casa Blanca

June 11th, 2021 3:17 PM

La extraña historia de María Fernanda Reyes, la activista que se hizo pasar por reportera de Univisión y que alardeó a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el martes en la noche en Ciudad México, parece llegar a su fin. Aparentemente, el malentendido no se debió a un sesgo exagerado, sino a la incompetencia del personal de la Casa Blanca.