USA Today Lamely Claims NLRB Is Overturning 'Worker-Friendly' Rules

December 16th, 2017 12:51 PM
USA Today reporter Paul Davidson apparently doesn't understand that policies which help workers get hired and keep their jobs are more "worker-friendly" than those designed to line trial lawyers' pockets and help labor unions coerce companies into dealing with them. At least twice this year, Davidson, in his headlines and his content, has characterized moves by the federal government's National…

Press Virtually Ignores Upheld Holy Land Foundation/Hamas Funding Verd

December 9th, 2011 10:28 PM
On Wednesday, as Terry Baynes at Reuters reported, "A federal appeals court on Wednesday upheld the convictions of five leaders of an Islamic charity on charges of funneling money and supplies to Hamas, designated a "terrorist" group following a 1995 executive order by President Bill Clinton. ..." The organization involved was the Holy Land Foundation based in Texas. The five involved received…

Markos Moulitsas Tells YearlyKos Attendees ‘We Are The Center

August 3rd, 2007 1:16 PM
It appears Daily Kos proprietor Markos Moulitsas is drinking the same Kool-Aid as NPR's Juan Williams. During the opening address of his third annual YearlyKos convention, Moulitsas actually said (please get fluids out of your mouth and away from your computer): There is no Jesse Jackson wing of the Democratic party anymore. We are the center. How'd you like to ask him for directions?…