Nobel Consideration of Adult Stem Cell Researcher Should Be Teachable

October 4th, 2010 8:05 AM
Do the science writers and political reporters at the Associated Press ever compare notes? Based on their divergent coverage of stem cell research, it seems doubtful. On Sunday, AP science writer Milan Rising reported that a Japanese scientist was under probable consideration to win this year's Nobel Prize in medicine: A Japanese researcher who discovered how to make stem cells from ordinary…

AP's Fall-out-of-Chair Headline: 'Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead o

August 10th, 2010 12:47 AM
A week ago, AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter committed a serious act of journalism by telling readers what is really going on in stem cell science. It ought to be required reading for the Obama administration, which seems to be making a crusade out of human embryonic stem cell research (hESCR) while acting to stifle what appears to be significant progress in adult stem cell research (ASCR). The…