FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists

April 21st, 2024 10:11 AM

24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”

Newsweek's Adler: Dems Aren't Soft on Crime, Look at Gun Control, Waco

December 15th, 2009 12:48 PM
Tackling "The Myth That Democrats Are Soft on Crime," Newsweek's Ben Adler took to the magazine's The Gaggle blog to critique New York Times columnist Ross Douthat for his latest column. Adler praised Douthat for saying that conservatives need to "take ownership of prison reform" to "correct the system they helped build" but took strong exception to his suggestion that, even so, Democrats "still…