
Biden’s Withdrawal Doesn’t Mean Harris Automatically Succeeds Him

July 25th, 2024 6:07 PM

What is amusing and simultaneously contributes to the cynicism some feel about politics is how many Democrats claimed until recently that President Biden was a different man in private than the mumbling, stumbling man everyone could hear and see in public. These include Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden apparently forgot to endorse in his withdrawal statement and then quickly tweeted…


Colbert, Goodwin Fret Voting and Women's Rights 'Are Now Being Denied'

April 18th, 2024 10:04 AM

Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin traveled to CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday to promote her new book, which is part history, part memoir about her and her late husband’s experiences in the 1960s. For Goodwin and Colbert, the main takeaway was that the achievements of the 60s, such as civil rights, are currently under threat.

War in the Democratic Party — and at the Opera

November 9th, 2023 4:50 PM

Joe Biden’s party is at war with itself. Scenes last weekend of protesters scaling the White House fence and shouting down Sen. Cory Booker at a Democratic rally in New Jersey are only outward manifestations of a deeper inner turmoil. The Democratic Party’s identity is inseparable from a morality tale in which the world is divided between white, wealthy oppressors and nonwhite, poorer victims…

Israel’s Lesson for 2024: A Liberal Crackup

October 26th, 2023 6:02 PM

Conventional wisdom says voters don’t care about foreign policy. Nearly two years into Europe’s largest conflict since World War II, the conventional wisdom seemed to be right. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had little effect on the race for the GOP presidential nomination and opened no room for a challenger to Joe Biden among the Democrats. But the butchery Hamas perpetrated against Israeli…

Biden’s Document Deluge and America Becoming a Banana Republic

January 22nd, 2023 9:08 PM

WASHINGTON — Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba of Uganda has announced to the world via his Twitter account that he is offering Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, a dowry of 100 cows if she will marry him. Kainerugaba is the 48-year-old son of Uganda’s prime minister, and his Twitter account is taken very seriously, especially in Uganda. In other news, our president, Joe Biden, heard from his…

Racial Reparations Solve Nothing

January 22nd, 2023 7:08 PM

This week, the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee released a report calling on the city to pay every black resident $5 million and absolve all of their outstanding personal debt. Their rationale was broad -- as it had to be, since California was founded as a free state: “While neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery…

Ryan Lizza CNN New Day 8-8-22

CNN Analyst: 'Enormously Consequential' Biden In 'Pantheon' of Greats

August 10th, 2022 10:02 AM

On Monday, CNN analyst Ryan Lizza declared: “For history, I think it’s a pretty big deal....You have to go back to – depending on how you define these things – to LBJ. So, I think for history, Biden – I don’t think there’s much debate anymore, he is an enormously consequential president and just judging him by his legislative agenda, you know, he’s sort of in that modern pantheon now.”…


CNN: South Votes Republican Because of Opposition to Civil Rights

February 18th, 2022 9:45 AM

During Friday’s CNN Newsroom host Victor Blackwell welcomed political analyst and historian Julian Zelizer on to hype CNN’s upcoming four-part documentary on President Lyndon Johnson. As part of the preview, both Blackwell and Zelizer postulated that LBJ was correct is asserting that passing the civil rights legislation in the ‘60s paved the way for Republican dominance in the South…


CNN Pundits Hail Biden As Most Transformative President Since Reagan

August 12th, 2021 4:54 PM

You don't have to wait for an infrastructure bill to arrive on Joe Biden's desk. John Avlon and CNN Newsroom substitute host Erica Hill began Wednesday's show by hailing and fawning over President Biden for having most transformative and impactful first year as president since Ronald Reagan.


Morning Joe Panics Over GOP Voting Reforms ‘Devastating’ Dems in 2022

August 6th, 2021 4:47 PM

Marking the 56th anniversary of passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, on Friday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe pushed the panic button when it came to Republican-backed voting reforms advancing in states across the country and the failure of Democrats in Congress to force through a federal takeover of elections. The hysterical panel feared that GOP legislatures enacting new election laws…

Ministry of Truth 2.0

May 28th, 2021 11:32 AM

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is reportedly considering the development of tools that would help America's children discern truth from lies and know when they are being fed “disinformation.” The Washington Times, which first reported the story, says a department spokesperson declined to give details, but that more information would be revealed “in the coming weeks…

John Lewis Funeral Was a Political Event

August 5th, 2020 7:12 PM

Traditionally, funerals are supposed to serve at least three purposes: honor the life of the deceased, comfort those who mourn his passing and preach a message about eternity and the brevity of life. Tradition was discarded during John Lewis' funeral last week in Atlanta. Like the memorial service of the late Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN) in 2002, the Lewis service was a political event that…


Morning Joe Advice to Dems: Stop Campaigning on 'Reason,' Act Like GOP

May 8th, 2020 10:29 AM
Has the pandemic caused the liberal media to lose whatever vestigial grip on reality it ever had? The question arises in light of a surreal conversation on today's Morning Joe between Mika Brzezinski and Eugene Robinson. The pair were discussing Robinson's latest Washington Post column, the gist of which is that Democrat campaign tactics are too nice, being based on "reason and fairness." 

Scarborough: A Fox News 'Cronkite Moment' Could Bring Down Trump

November 1st, 2019 11:54 AM
Joe Scarborough turns his lonely eyes . . . to Fox News? Looks that way. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough dreamed of a scenario in which Fox News would turn against President Trump, thus bringing down his presidency. Scarborough analogized it to a "Cronkite moment." That was the moment in 1968 when CBS News anchorman Walter Cronkite essentially declared the Vietnam War unwinnable, thereby…