Washington Post's On Faith Slams Catholic Church, Biblical Teaching on

February 23rd, 2013 7:47 PM
Not wanting to leave conservative Protestants out of the fun, today's On Faith page in the Washington Post featured not only the requisite Sally Quinn pontification against the Catholic Church but a Methodist minister's essay on how he hopes that one day all Christians will view as irrelevant and unbinding the Bible's teachings on homosexuality.  Change it must "or else the Catholic Church…

Newsweek Anoints Squishy Methodist as New Kind of Evangelical on Abort

April 7th, 2008 4:04 PM
Finding Christian leaders concerned with global climate change is one thing, but it's hard for the secular media to find an evangelical Christian who can assent to one of the Left's most favored sacraments, abortion.That's where Newsweek's Lisa Miller comes in finding a new challenge to the traditionally pro-life political views of evangelical Christians. Miller invites readers to meet Adam…