AP Calls Controlled-Demolition Wacko a 'Scholar' and 'Sept. 11 Theorist'

October 23rd, 2006 2:52 PM

Ah, the refined sensibilities of the Associated Press. Far be it from that paragon of journalistic impartiality to insert itself in the controversy over whether George Bush & Co. intentionally murdered thousands of Americans on 9-11 via the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.

And so it is that the Associated Press preciously entitled its article about the decision of 9-11 conspiracy nut Steven Jones to retire from his BYU professor's post:

"BYU Scholar, Sept. 11 Theorist, Resigns".

A "scholar" and a "theorist." Impressive! Might that be some kind of hybrid between a 'gentleman and a scholar' and a theoretical physicist, perhaps? Now, in fairness, I wouldn't expect the AP to adopt my "conspiracy whack job" nomenclature in its headline - although it would be entirely accurate. But the utter neutrality of "theorist" coupled with the honorary title of "scholar" seems excessive. Would the AP describe David Duke as a "racial theorist," for example?

I think AP could and should have found a way to communicate in its headline the extreme controversiality of Jones' views. Something, perhaps, along the lines "9-11 Controversialist Retires From BYU Post".

Those wanting to see for themselves just how "out there" the good ex-professor is can check the web site of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," the organization he founded to promote his lunacy.