Jesse Jackson at Chavez Funeral: 'He Lifted the Poor' and 'Helped Them Realize Their Dreams'

March 8th, 2013 3:27 PM

"Hugo fed the hungry. He lifted the poor. He raised their hopes. He helped them realize their dreams."

So said Jesse Jackson at the funeral of Venezuelan despot Hugo Chavez Friday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

JESSE JACKSON: How do we measure a great leader? By how he treats the least of these. Hugo fed the hungry. He lifted the poor. He raised their hopes. He helped them realize their dreams. And so today we do mourn, because we’ve lost a life. But we have a lot left: a stable government, and orderly transition. We pray the presidents of our great nations will meet soon and find common ground. While it may be politically difficult, it’s the morally right thing to do.

Isn't it amazing how liberals adore despots?

(HT Mediaite)