Joe Klein: Obama Thinks State of the Union Is Stronger Because 'He's Been Winning'

February 10th, 2013 12:00 PM

In today's "Gag Me With A Spoon" segment, Time's Joe Klein on Sunday uttered some sychophantic words about the current White House resident that will send many Americans to their medicine chests for relief.

Appearing on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Klein said with a huge smile on his face, "I think that the President really feels that the state of the union is stronger for several reasons. One is that he's been winning ever since the election" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Joe, do you think the president’s going to talk optimistically about the country or do what Gerald Ford did there?

JOE KLEIN, TIME: I can’t get over Jerry Ford. What a bummer. I remember that, I remember that. Yeah, I think that, I think that the President really feels that the state of the union is stronger for several reasons. One is that he's been winning ever since the election. And he seems to have a working majority now, even in the House. But, also, I think that despite the last quarter of GDP non-growth, that things are looking pretty good for the economy.

Oy! Pass the Pepto!

What's really sick-making is that it's not just Obama that feels things are better because he's been winning.

Folks like Klein believe that as well.

The way the media treat Obama these days is much like they did Peter Sellers' character in Jerzy Kosinski's fabulous film "Being There."

Why not?

Obama can walk on water too you know!