Daily Kos Boss Lectures 'Mittens' Romney on Class War

January 4th, 2012 8:19 PM

On Tuesday, Daily Kos boss Markos Moulitsas asked his fellow lefties: "Have you seen Mittens' latest?" He's not referring to a cat. This is his pet name for Mitt Romney. Moulitsas could not believe Romney would find liberals divisive when it comes to egging on themes of class war. His headline was "Republicans want a united America! As long as you're white, male, and rich"

All the divisiveness comes from those plutocrats and the conservative demonizers of black and brown and gay and aborting Americans:

As always, Republicans only hyperventilate about "unity" when protecting the privileges of the wealthiest. They certainly don't seem so concerned about "pitting one American against another" when demonizing gay Americans, or brown Americans, or Americans who live in Chicago, Massachusetts, or San Francisco, or Americans who aren't Christians, or Americans who vote Democratic, or Americans who exercise their reproductive freedoms, or Americans who value Social Security and Medicare, or Americans who prefer to breathe clean air and drink clean water, or Americans who don't want to see Miami below sea level, or poor Americans who are taking your money, or ... you get the point.

Their entire schtick is predicated on pitting Americans against Americans. Without such demonization, they would be unable to function as an ongoing concern. But if someone points out that perhaps the wealthy should pay a few percentage points more in taxes to balance the nation's finances, or that Wall Street should be reformed to keep them from destroying the world economy again? Pass the smelling salts!

Mitt, get this right -- this isn't pitting one American against another. It's pitting the over 99 percent of Americans (including a healthy chunk of the one percenters) who still believe in an America in which everyone can have a chance at success, against a tiny selfish greedy fringe that wants to hoard all wealth for themselves.