Daily Kos Week in Review: Death and Fascism

September 18th, 2011 7:50 PM

There are only two sure things in life. One, of course, is death, but the other isn't taxes -- it's the left's ahistorical insistence that fascism is "right-wing." Moreover, that belief is a mere starting point for hardcore lefties, such as the Kossacks below, who assert that conservatives are fascists.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

War on Error: Which Republican will be our first fascist president?
...[The] US is ripe for a demogogue. Our denial of this possibility is their greatest tool...
...He/She will have to come wrapped in the American Flag, carrying the Bible, and have his/her own military...
...It can happen here. It almost happened here, but to his credit GW wasn't up for the full monty, much to Cheney Et Al's chagrin.  WHEW!  But are we out of the woods?  NO!...  
Tay: Obama beats the fascist GOP alternative
...I'm happy that Obama is starting to fight the Republican Party. They are a awful group of neo-facist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, plutocratic, theocratic, sexist, oligarchic, neo-liberal, Orwellians that deserve all the bad things that come/are coming/ and have come previously to them in the world. But...[b]eing slightly better than a group of  neo-facist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, plutocratic, theocratic, sexist, oligarchic, neo-liberal, Orwellians is not exactly great stuff...
MinistryOfTruth: Free markets + small government = fascism
...[T]he [C]onstitution...is that peace [sic] of paper Conservative fascists wave at you when they are taking your Democracy away from you...
Words like tyranny, spending, taxes, regulation, socialism and many others have been rendered meaningless over decades of conservative fascist propaganda in an effort to make the basic use and methods of democracy seem evil...
The idea of small government and limited government is an attack on Democracy...
jmannatl: Republicans, squashers of humanity
...Unfortunately it comes as no surprise that the crowd at the the Reagan Library - a library dedicated to legacy of yet another American tyrant - would stand in applause when Rick Perry’s murderous toll was brought into question. From the Reagan era at least, the GOP has garnered voters by being the “strong” party - of course, its strength comes from attacking the most vulnerable among us. Blacks, gays, women, Muslims - anyone that a typical GOP voter can rise above by squashing their humanity, they’ll do it...In fact, you could say it’s their only real draw as a party - that someone, somewhere, isn’t worth as much as you...

Fox “News” Chris Wallace apparently thinks that Brian Williams’ question reveals yet another example of “liberal bias”. Of course there is no such thing in our Murdoch-controlled media universe - it [sic] there was, there would be no wars in the Middle East - or against unions, for that matter. Or the death penalty. Liberal bias is a fiction spouted by Fox, Rush et al to allow their Orwellian disinformation to prattle on 24/7...

Hunter: GOPers have so many options for their bigotry...

...The current crop of Republican congressmen seem to look to the McCarthy era as the high point of government, and seem to spend every waking moment deciding how best to use their congressional positions to propagandize against, and demonize, any group or individual that crosses his path. Gay people, brown people, liberals, scary invisible communists that hide under your bed and come out at night to rearrange the eggs in your refrigerator...

Big Chuck: ...thanks to Nixon, Agnew, and Reagan

...Richard Nixon and Spiro T. Agnew pioneered the tactic of teaching people to fear and hate "Others." Reagan refined and vastly improved it...

Many learned to close their eyes to hard facts and to cast blame for problems on scapegoats...Reagan and Republican strategists knew that low-information voters are famous for their mental compartmentalization. They are unable to get at the root of their economic woes and prefer to center their anger on groups that do no harm at all: gays, immigrants, African-Americans, liberals, Muslims, environmentalists, and advocates of biological evolution...