More Media Bury Head(lines) in the Sand on Muslim Poll

May 23rd, 2007 1:15 AM

We reported yesterday about the evolving headline for an AP story on a poll showing a quarter of American Muslim males think that terrorism is sometimes justifiable.

Well now Ace of Spades took it a step further, taking a wider look at how other news agencies are similarly downplaying the alarming statistic with headlines that spin the results positively.

It's worth the read, although I have noticed that at least one headline has changed since Ace's post:

Let's check the headlines, eh?

USAToday: Poll: Most Muslims seek to adopt American lifestyle

Wow! "Most!" Awesome!

Personally, I'm a little bit more worried about the 26% of young Muslim males who want to kill me, but it's good to know that "most Muslims" seek to adopt the "American lifestyle." (Which may or may not involve killing Americans.)

That USA Today headline now reads: "Poll: American Muslims reject extremes."