Lib Professor: Kristof Is Enabling Right’s ‘Anti-Intellectualism’

December 26th, 2016 1:30 PM
Aaron Hanlon thinks anti-conservative bias at colleges and universities is a molehill that a lot of people try to make into a mountain. To the dismay of Hanlon, a professor of English at Colby College, some of his fellow liberals are among those who, in his opinion, exaggerate the problem and thereby bolster the right’s case. Last Thursday in The New Republic, Hanlon went after New York Times…

New Republic Writer: Obama Showed Us the Path to American Greatness

November 27th, 2016 8:33 AM
According to TNR’s Lovia Gyarkye, one of the less tangible things President Obama has tried to forge is “a liberalism that fuses identity politics with the idea of American greatness.” As for Obama’s successor, “the answer to the Trump presidency is not to abandon the progress we have made. It is not to yearn for the past glories of a nation that has wronged so many people. It is to do the hard…

Media Meme Destroyed: Trump's Turnout Operation Was Groundbreaking

November 16th, 2016 5:40 PM
During the 2016 presidential campaign, the "everybody knows" conventional wisdom in the establishment press which never went away, even as some contrary evidence appeared, was that Donald Trump's campaign, away from his rallies, was a haphazard operation which was doing very little to identify, target and persuade voters. At the New Republic in mid-June, Jeet Heer confidently summed up the media…

New Republic Writer: Media’s ‘Bias Toward Balance’ Helped Trump

November 11th, 2016 5:27 PM
In their respective articles alleging that the mainstream media facilitated the election of Donald Trump, Brian Beutler of The New Republic and Eric Alterman of The Nation overlapped somewhat. For example, each claimed that the Hillary e-mail story was wildly overcovered, with Beutler citing it as the shining example of how the media “failed abysmally” regarding the “framing and contextualizing…

New Republic Writer: Trump, Pro-Lifers Prone to Simplistic Thinking

October 30th, 2016 6:10 PM
Generally, pro-lifers support Donald Trump not because they believe he’s truly one of them, but because he’s clearly preferable to Hillary Clinton. Sarah Jones, however, claims Trump is “the candidate the pro-life movement deserves.” That’s not meant as a compliment to either Trump or pro-lifers. Jones wrote that “Trump understood that he simply needed to repeat a few pieces of boilerplate in…

New Republic Writer: GOP Stands for ‘Toxic Masculinity at Its Ugliest’

October 17th, 2016 6:30 AM
For almost two hundred and twenty years, every president of the United States was white and male. If Hillary Clinton serves two full terms as president, that will make it sixteen years without a white guy in the White House. The prospect of that discrepancy explains Republicans’ choice of Donald Trump as their nominee, contends Jeet Heer. “By making Trump the face of the party,” wrote Heer in a…

Author: Hillary’s ‘Irritating,’ But She Doesn’t Lie vs 'Big Lie' Trump

October 13th, 2016 1:03 PM
Jack Hitt thinks the mainstream media have started to push back against politicians’ lies because of “the sheer magnitude of [Donald] Trump’s horseshit.” In his cover story for the November issue of The New Republic, Hitt asserted that “thanks to Trump, some television hosts have discovered the ratings pull of a different style of journalism. Jake Tapper of CNN grilled Trump about his bigotry…

TNR Writer Contrasts ‘Unflappable’ Obama, ‘Useful Idiot’ Trump

September 30th, 2016 11:51 PM
There’s been a lot of talk in the past few days about “presidential temperament,” and where that quality is concerned, Brian Beutler firmly believes that President Obama has the right stuff. In a Friday piece, Beutler lauded Obama’s "unflappable" performance at CNN’s military-themed presidential town hall Wednesday at Fort Lee in Virginia. By contrast, Beutler opined, Donald Trump "lost his…

New Republic Writer: Dems Should Bash Bush Like GOPers Bashed Carter

September 23rd, 2016 2:46 PM
A current hot topic in campaign coverage is Hillary Clinton’s underperformance among millennials, an unusually large number of whom favor the second-tier candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Brian Beutler thinks those 18-to-29-year-olds who aren’t #WithHer don’t grasp what happened the last time a significant portion of the left was lukewarm about the Democratic nominee: 2000, when lefty…

New Republic Writer: ‘Deplorables’ Comment ‘Impolite’ But True

September 13th, 2016 2:30 PM
Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment isn’t just campaign fodder, believes Brian Beutler, who in a Monday piece argued that by telling “impolite truths,” Clinton pulled an already-loose thread and may have furthered the unraveling of the GOP. Assuming Donald Trump doesn’t become president, some Republicans will “wish to dislodge Trump and Trumpism from the party,” observed Beutler,…

Lefty Pundits Explore Why the Media Have It In For Hillary

September 7th, 2016 11:41 PM
Complaints from liberal pundits about media bias against Hillary Clinton have snowballed during the past few days. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman had the most high-profile effort, which contrasted “the impression that [Donald Trump is] being graded on a curve” with “the presumption that anything [Hillary] does must be corrupt,” and some of the others have taken aim at Krugman’s newspaper…

Malevolent Left Rushes to Gleefully Mark Passing of Phyllis Schlafly

September 6th, 2016 12:06 AM
Late Monday night, the group Eagle Forum released a statement that its founder, the Christian and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, had passed away at the age 92 and immediately, The New York Times published a story to serve as cue cards for the major broadcast networks to blast Schlafly for stymying the Equal Rights Amendment and advocating for traditional family values for decades. At the…

New Republic Writer: Democrats Too Efficient to Have ‘Obama’s Katrina’

August 28th, 2016 9:02 PM
A major event that would damage Barack Obama’s presidency as much as Hurricane Katrina did George W. Bush’s is a white whale for conservatives, suggests Brian Beutler: They’re constantly, eagerly scanning the horizon for it, but they’ll never see it. Beutler finds it hard to imagine that any Democratic president would have his or her own Katrina, since Dems have made responding to natural…

New Republic: ‘Liberal Media Bias’ a ‘Knee-Jerk’ Conservative ‘Cliché’

August 23rd, 2016 8:52 PM
The “right-wing noise machine” helped make a mess for Republicans by giving “invaluable aid” to Donald Trump, declared Jeet Heer in a Friday piece. Nonetheless, Heer thinks that one positive consequence of Trump’s nomination is that “some in conservative media are…taking stock of how their own bad habits have enabled an unfit demagogue to become their party’s standard-bearer.” Heer proposed a “…