Margaret Carlson: Romney 'Wanted the Boos' from NAACP, 'So Proud of Th

Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Bloomberg View's Margaret Carlson - formerly of Time magazine - asserted that Mitt Rommey "wanted the boos" he received as he delivered his speech to the NAACP. She went on to say the GOP presidential candidate is "taking those boos to his fund-raiser with Dick Cheney," and that "he's so proud of them."
Brad Wilmouth
July 14th, 2012 12:40 AM

AP's Protection of Geithner in 'Lie-bor' Scandal Continues

My, it was awfully nice of Marcy Gordon at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, to give Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner such excellent protection in her report on the New York Federal Reserve Bank's release of documents relating to its knowledge of the manipulation of the "Libor" (London interbank offered rate) used as the basis for the pricing of trillions of dollars of loans…
Tom Blumer
July 13th, 2012 11:40 PM

NYTimes Pits 'Conservative Christian' vs. 'Doctors and Women’s Right

Veteran New York Times reporter Erik Eckholm covered a lawsuit filed by "women's rights advocates" against new restrictions on abortion in Arizona: "Lawsuit Tries to Block New Arizona Abortion Law." Favorable treatment for the pro-abortion side was evident in Eckholm's labeling and source disparity. A supporter of the law, Cathi Herrod, was identified as president of "a conservative Christian…
Clay Waters
July 13th, 2012 8:19 PM

Ed Schultz Buys Canadian Fishing Lodge in 2010 and Now Slams Romney

Ed Schultz says it's unpatriotic that Mitt Romney invested some of his money outside the U.S. Much as Schultz did with some of his money two years ago. Here's a clip of Schultz on his radio show yesterday braying about Romney's investments abroad (audio) --
Jack Coleman
July 13th, 2012 7:35 PM

Howard Kurtz Warns CNN: Liberal Media Double Standard Apparent 'to Man

Media critic Howard Kurtz warned CNN on Friday that "to many people" it looks like the media has a massive double standard in its campaign coverage of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. "[W]hen you combine all the stories, all the airtime, all the column inches, it looks to many people, I'll just say this bluntly, like the press is giving much more aggressive scrutiny to Romney and his background…
Matt Hadro
July 13th, 2012 6:56 PM

Ron Reagan Jr's Howler of the Week: 'Media Is Not Giving Obama Enough

We media analysts see, hear, and read a lot of stupid comments from press members everyday. For me, the howler of the week has to be MSNBC political analyst Ron Reagan Jr. saying about President Obama on Friday's Hardball, "The media is not giving him enough credit" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 13th, 2012 6:46 PM

NPR Touts Virginia 'Shifting in the Democrats' Direction'; Slants Towa

On Friday's Morning Edition, NPR's Scott Horsley favored Obama supporters in his report on the battle for Virginia's electoral votes, playing three soundbites from them, versus only one from a Republican official in the commonwealth. Horsley also played up how "the demographics are shifting in the Democrats' direction." The correspondent led the segment by noting the Democratic incumbent's…
Matthew Balan
July 13th, 2012 6:36 PM

WaPo Hypes Poll On...Weather!? Buries Anti-Tax Hike Sentiment

With the scorching heat and the infamous derecho that left D.C. in the dark on June 29, it seems perfectly logical for folks in the Washington area to blame "global warming" as we all bake in the 100 degree heat. In fact, The Washington Post conducted a poll that showed that a majority of Americans believe that world temperatures are rising and that it can be remedied by government action to…
Matt Vespa
July 13th, 2012 5:43 PM

New Evidence Indicates Media 'Jumped the Gun' by Branding George Zimme

When George Zimmerman shot black teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, on February 26, the media were quick to accuse the 28-year-old Hispanic of being a racist, but new information gathered by the FBI indicates that Zimmerman did not shoot the youth because of his race. Dozens of friends, coworkers and neighbors indicated that the neighborhood watch volunteer became involved in an…
Randy Hall
July 13th, 2012 5:36 PM

Jay Leno Cites Soros-Funded Liberal Propaganda Machine Center for Amer

NewsBusters reported Thursday that the co-author of last weekend's Tea Party-trashing episode of HBO's The Newsroom actually thanked the George Soros-funded liberal propaganda machine Think Progress for help with "vital" research on the script. Hours later, NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno cited a report from TP's parent, the Center for American Progress (video follows with transcript and…
Noel Sheppard
July 13th, 2012 5:11 PM

Today's Laugh: Dylan Byers Tells Bill Press That Politico Is 'Pretty M

Politico media writer Dylan Byers appeared Friday on the Bill Press show on Current TV and liberal talk radio to discuss the Gallup poll showing low confidence in the media (especially TV news), but when Press said he couldn’t find a credible, objective general news source online, naturally Byers insisted surveys show Politico is “pretty much right down the middle.” This isn’t based on the…
Tim Graham
July 13th, 2012 5:05 PM

NBC's Brian Williams Accuses Fox News of 'Jingoism' for Criticizing U

In a nasty rant at the end of Thursday's Rock Center on NBC, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams slammed the hosts of FNC's morning show for daring to criticize the uniforms for the U.S. Olympic team: "Trouble on Fox & Friends. It started when the morning show crew mocked the new Ralph Lauren outfits...." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] After playing a clip of…
Kyle Drennen
July 13th, 2012 4:39 PM

David Gergen Shocker: Obama Is 'Playing a Very Rough Form of Politics

A rather shocking thing happened on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday. Not only did the host and his guests David Gergen and John King claim presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mittt Romney is right that he left Bain Capital prior to any companies it held outsourcing employees, Gergen accused President Obama of "playing a very rough form of politics" counter to what he promised when…
Noel Sheppard
July 13th, 2012 3:50 PM

Cal Thomas Column: The Stossel Solution

In order to get the correct answer to anything, one must ask the right question. That is what former ABC News and current Fox News TV host John Stossel does on his weekly program. If ever there was "must see-TV," this is it. Stossel's show on Saturday, June 30 was a classic. It was called "Government, Incorporated" and focused on what private industry can do less expensively and more…
Cal Thomas
July 13th, 2012 3:45 PM