Column: AP Says Ditch the 'Mistress'

The 2020 Associated Press Stylebook is being published soon, and the AP is not humble about what it represents. “The style of The Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing,” they boast, and the book offers a sturdy path to the AP’s “famous” brand of “clarity and professionalism.” In recent years, conservatives have seen AP’s Stylebook squad tilt perilously to the Left, foregoing…
Tim Graham
May 15th, 2020 6:18 AM

ABC Drama: Doctor Blames 'Anti-Choice' People for Hospital Bombings

Never let an opportunity to bash pro-life people go to waste is the mantra of Hollywood. Even if the dialogue has to stretch to include an unfounded, nasty accusation by a medical doctor. ABC's Station 19 included a doctor saying "anti-choice" people bombed her hospital because she did embryonic stem-cell research to find a cure for lymphoma.
Karen Townsend
May 15th, 2020 1:02 AM

MSNBC Asks Biden What Day 1 of Presidency Will Be Like, Pardon Trump?

In an effort to aid presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in his struggle to campaign during the coronavirus crisis, MSNBC’s The Last Word hosted an hour-long interview/town hall special featuring the former Vice President and Stacey Abrams, who's been obsessive in her desire to be his running mate. Among the softball questions, slow-pitched to Biden was whether or not he would commit to not…
Nicholas Fondacaro
May 15th, 2020 12:56 AM

Cooper Throws Childish Tantrum After Blowback for Bringing on Greta

Anderson Cooper ended Thursday’s latest CNN coronavirus town hall with an emotion-driven, hypocritical, and sophomoric rant complaining about “the phony online outrage machine” after CNN received widespread blowback for having climate change activist Greta Thunberg as a guest. This was despite the town hall’s billing of facts, science, and part of the show title having the phrase Facts and Fears.
Curtis Houck
May 15th, 2020 12:33 AM

Cognitive Dissonance: Nets Cause Unease With Conflicting COVID Reports

What makes a crisis, such as the one we’re all living through, worse is when the public gets mixed and/or conflicting messages about what to expect. This causes confusion and anxiety. And that’s exactly what the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have been creating with the cognitive dissonance plaguing their evening news reports, which reach millions of people.

Nicholas Fondacaro
May 14th, 2020 9:48 PM

Nets Ignore Radical Provisions in Dems' $3 Trillion Stimulus Package

All three of the morning news shows on the alphabet soup networks mentioned that House Democrats had unveiled a $3 trillion stimulus package that included economic relief for Americans facing economic hardship because of Coronavirus. All three reports made sure to mention that President Trump and/or the Republicans had vowed to block the bill. None of the reporters mentioned that radical…

Ryan Foley
May 14th, 2020 9:33 PM

Not a Joke: Lefty Group Cites 2nd Amendment in Virus Suit Against FNC

Back on April 10, NewsBusters wrote about a bizarre move by the far-left group WASHLITE to have a judge removed from their farcical lawsuit trying to destroy Fox News for its supposedly dangerous, deadly, and inept coronavirus coverage. Earlier this week, the case took an even more baffling turn when, as part of a new filing, WASHLITE cited the Second Amendment in a case pertaining to the First…
Curtis Houck
May 14th, 2020 7:20 PM

Amanpour and Goodwin Cheer Higher Taxes and Increased 'Welfare State'

On Friday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour and former NBC presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin spoke favorably of higher taxes on the wealthy in the U.S. and the increased welfare state in Britain that came about post-World War II.
Brad Wilmouth
May 14th, 2020 5:30 PM

Opening Up America

The choice before us seems to be no choice at all: stay inside and have no human contact with another soul, keep businesses closed, denying a livelihood to millions, or step outside and risk death. Though I believe the risk is small when comparing the number of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have recovered with the number who have died, fear may be the greater threat.
Cal Thomas
May 14th, 2020 5:06 PM

Fake News: CNN’s Darcy Claims Fox News ‘Largely Ignored’ Coronavirus

Former conservative media writer-turned-CNN media quack Oliver Darcy pinch hit Wednesday night for Brian Stelter in the daily media newsletter and, predictably, it was dominated by his deep hatred for Fox News. Even worse, Darcy’s falsely claimed that Fox News “largely ignored the virus in the afternoon and into its primetime programming” due to the declassified unmasking list on Michael Flynn…

Curtis Houck
May 14th, 2020 4:21 PM

‘View’ Invites Emanuel to Shoot Down Unmasking ‘Conspiracy Theory'

While ABC’s morning news program Good Morning America ignored what President Trump has dubbed the “Obamagate” story Thursday, the network found a way to do some damage control for the previous administration later on The View.
Kristine Marsh
May 14th, 2020 3:45 PM

MRC Founder Bozell to Facebook: ‘Get Rid of This Oversight Board'

Facebook’s new Oversight Board poorly represents conservatives. That was the conclusion of a new Media Research Center report “The Radical Views Behind Facebook’s New Oversight Board.” “If Facebook wants to be a real platform, let people speak and get rid of this Oversight Board,” said Media Research Center founder and President Brent Bozell, at an official press conference hosted by the MRC…

NB Staff
May 14th, 2020 3:42 PM

Mitchell Decries ‘Resurgence of Xenophobia,’ ‘Anti-China Scapegoating'

On Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell feared that President Trump’s criticism of China’s mishandling of coronavirus amounted to a “resurgence of xenophobia” and “anti-China scapegoating.” She even cast doubt on U.S. intelligence warning that the communist regime was looking to hack organizations conducting medical research on the pandemic.  
Kyle Drennen
May 14th, 2020 3:25 PM

Bloomberg News: China Attacks U.S. with ‘Russian-Style’ Disinformation

Move over Russia. China is waging a massive disinformation war in an attempt to destabilize the United States by scapegoating it for spreading the COVID-19 virus. “An army of bot accounts linked to an alleged Chinese government-backed propaganda campaign is spreading disinformation on social media about coronavirus and other topics, including an exiled businessman, according to a London-based…
Alexander Hall
May 14th, 2020 3:20 PM