Time Blog: Romney Comfortably Lies About Obama Due to 'His Mormon Fait

Time magazine is shooting straight at Mitt Romney’s religion. On the Time Ideas blog, the conservative-bashing psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank has an article titled “The Root of Mitt Romney’s Comfort With Lying.” That root, he says,  is Mormonism. Dr. Frank is agitated that Romney would “lie” about Obama’s economic record: "But this pattern of lying and not acknowledging it, even when…
Tim Graham
June 25th, 2012 6:28 AM

Monica Crowley Raps Chris Hayes As America-Bashing 'Kook

As The New York Times hails Chris Hayes as the new weekend "wonk prince" of MSNBC, Monica Crowley called him out as a "kook" in her new book What the (Bleep) Just Happened? She recalls how Mr. I Don't Like the "Hero" Word showed the same instincts on the JournoList e-mails. He didn't see where one would quibble with Jeremiah Wright's indictment of America. "At one point Chris Hayes of The…
Tim Graham
June 24th, 2012 10:05 PM

Glenn Beck Blasts NYT's Brooks for Mocking His Muslim Prediction After

Conservative author Glenn Beck on Sunday took to Twitter to blast New York Times columnist David Brooks for comments he made last year about the talk radio host's predictions concerning Egypt without President Hosni Mubarak. On PBS's Newshour last February, syndicated columnist Mark Shields mentioned Beck in a discussion about how people attending the CPAC convention viewed the goings-on in…
Noel Sheppard
June 24th, 2012 8:33 PM

Randi Rhodes Interviews Cher, Who Fears Cuts Under 'Teapublican Party

It was not exactly a grand summit of the minds when Randi Rhodes welcomed Cher onto her radio show on Wednesday for almost 20 minutes. First Cher worried about food stamp cuts under President Romney: "If 46 million people have food stamps and Mitt Romney said that was the first thing he was gonna do, then what do those people do?" Rhodes snapped back: "Yeah exactly it’s a good question. What…
Tim Graham
June 24th, 2012 4:11 PM

Howard Kurtz Scolds Andrea Mitchell for Expressing 'No Regret' for 'De

As NewsBusters reported Monday, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, on the MSNBC program bearing her name, aired a video of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney selectively edited in a fashion designed to make him look like an out of touch imbecile. On CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, host Howard Kurtz scolded Mitchell for expressing "no regret" for airing the clip (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
June 24th, 2012 3:54 PM

WashPost’s Milbank Claims: ‘Media Would Love to Have an Obama Scan

Unintentionally defining irony, in the midst of trying to rationalize news media disinterest in the “Fast & Furious” scandal by maintaining “it’s not a political scandal” but “a scandal of government,” Washington Post columnist and former reporter Dana Milbank claimed on CNN's Reliable Sources: “It’s not an ideological thing. I think the media would love to have an Obama scandal to cover…
Brent Baker
June 24th, 2012 3:25 PM

David Gregory: Is Paul Ryan 'A Little Too Incendiary' To Be Vice Presi

Do you think trying to balance the federal budget is incendiary? NBC's David Gregory apparently does, for on Sunday's Meet the Press, he asked Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) "whether a guy like Paul Ryan is a little too incendiary" to be vice president (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 24th, 2012 2:53 PM

Peggy Noonan: 'Rob Portman Just Might Eviscerate' Joe Biden in a Vice

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said Sunday that if Rob Portman were Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's running mate, he "just might eviscerate" Joe Biden in a vice presidential debate. Appearing on ABC's This Week, Noonan added, "I think that might lead to a certain sense, this growing meme out there of the administration as a house of cards. There's something not…
Noel Sheppard
June 24th, 2012 1:22 PM

WashPost's Aaron Blake Tells David Shuster Fast & Furious Is Just 'Pro

Washington Post political reporter Aaron Blake was wearing his usual liberal hat when he appeared on the Bill Press radio/Current TV show on Thursday. Guest host David Shuster asked him, "So regarding President Obama asserting executive privilege yesterday, condemning the use of executive privilege five years ago, how big of a political problem is this for him?" Blake stepped over Obama's…
Tim Graham
June 24th, 2012 1:17 PM

Matthews Panel: Romney 'Better Off' If Seen as 'Pragmatic, Deal-Making

During the concluding "Big Question" segment of this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the entire panel voiced their belief that Mitt Romney is "better off" if he is perceived by voters to be a "pragmatic, deal-making moderate" rather than a "true blue conservative." Matthews posed the question:
Brad Wilmouth
June 24th, 2012 1:00 PM

George Will Schools Hilary Rosen on Voter ID Laws

CNN political contributor Hilary Rosen got a much-needed education about voter ID laws from George Will on ABC's This Week Sunday. When Rosen echoed the dishonest Democrat talking point that voter ID laws are considered "under the civil rights statutes" to be voter suppression, Will smartly replied, "Let the record show that the Supreme Court, with Justice John Paul Stevens, liberal Justice…
Noel Sheppard
June 24th, 2012 12:40 PM

Fineman Sees 'Superhero's Challenge' for Obama

Appearing as a panel member on this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, MSNBC's Howard Fineman - also of the Huffington Post - described President Obama as having a "superhero's challenge" in Washington in having to deal with "a different planet than the one he originally was on." A bit earlier, Fineman had recounted that President Obama was "confused" when he came to Washington and…
Brad Wilmouth
June 24th, 2012 12:27 PM

Crass Obama Campaign 'Event Registry' Barely Registers Any Establishme

This one of the most obvious "if the shoe were on the other foot" items I've seen in some time. If a Republican or conservative presidential candidate's campaign ever dared to suggest that supporters register their wedding, graduation, or other event so they could then ask friends and family to make donations to the candidate's election efforts in lieu of a gift, the ridicule wouldn't stop…
Tom Blumer
June 24th, 2012 10:58 AM

NY Times Hails Chris Hayes, 'Generation Y's Wonk Prince' of the Mornin

You really have to hand it to the publicists at MSNBC. Just as Politico’s Dylan Byers polished the pumps of midday anchor Alex Wagner, now Alex Williams at The New York Times is spraying the Armor All on Chris Hayes. Get a load of this sentence: “In less than a year on television (and with a chirpy voice, a weakness for gesticulation and a tendency to drop honors-thesis words like ‘signifier…
Tim Graham
June 24th, 2012 8:40 AM