
Weekend at Biden’s: CBS Tries to Prop Up Pres as Tough on Terrorists

August 26th, 2021 8:43 PM

Shockingly, the Biden administration’s reliance on the Taliban to stop other terrorist attacks around the Kabul airport proved to be a failure on Thursday, as a pair of ISIS-K suicide bombers left 13 U.S. service members and at least 60 Afghans slaughtered. But despite this fact, the CBS Evening News tried to prop up President Biden in an attempt to make him appear tough on terror,…


NBC’s Engel: ‘Very Dark Period’ as Taliban Dictates Afghan Withdrawal

August 24th, 2021 4:38 PM

Appearing on MSNBC’s MTP Daily Tuesday afternoon, NBC chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel predicted that history would look back on President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as “a very dark period for the United States,” especially after news broke that the administration would allow the Taliban to dictate the time line. 


NBC's Engel Blasts Biden: 100 Times Worse than Saigon

August 17th, 2021 12:20 PM

In all my many years of blogging MSM outbursts against Republican presidents, I've never seen anyone angrier Richard Engel about Biden's Afghanistan fiasco. Well, there was Keith Olbermann. But for present purposes, let's leave aside the clinically disturbed. In a piece with which Morning Joe opened today's show, Engel absolutely unleashed on the Biden administration. Rolling heartbreaking…


Nets SLAM Biden as Failed Leader, Passed ‘Blame’ for Afghan ‘Disaster’

August 16th, 2021 8:17 PM

The major broadcast networks continued their welcome stance on Monday afternoon of holding President Biden accountable for the embarrassing collapse of Afghanistan and the peril Afghans and Americans have found themselves in. After Biden’s speech, ABC, CBS, and NBC lambasted it for having “missed the moment” in failing to “accept responsibility” for this “catastrophe” he’s caused and explain…

Richard Engel MSNBC The Sunday Show 8-15-21

NBC's Engel on Afghan Collapse: 'I’m Not Shocked At All'

August 15th, 2021 11:44 AM

Richard Engel has described himself as "basically a pacifist." But when it comes to telling it like it is regarding the Afghanistan fiasco, NBC News' chief foreign correspondent is taking no prisoners today. When on his MSNBC show this morning, Ali Velshi asked Engel whether it is surprising "not that it is happening, as much as how fast it is happening," Engel flatly rejected the notion. "No…


Marching With Hamas, NBC’s Engel Touts Terrorist ‘Wave of Popularity’

May 24th, 2021 2:37 PM

Reporting from Gaza during NBC’s Today show Monday morning, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel was actually shown marching alongside Hamas militants while touting how the terrorist group was “seeing a wave of popularity” among Palestinians after lobbing thousands of rockets at Israel. The reporter then painted Israel as the villain in the conflict.


Nets Push Left-Wing Demands Biden Abandon Israel, Back Palestinians

May 17th, 2021 3:51 PM

On Monday, the network morning shows all hyped left-wing demands that Biden administration stop supporting steadfast U.S. ally Israel and back Palestinians in the ongoing Middle East conflict instead. The coverage tarred Israel as the villain before the describing the “pressure” President Biden was under from the leftist base of the Democratic Party to cut off aid to the Jewish state.


Todd Suggests Israel 'Targeted' Press, Not Hamas With Tower Airstrike

May 16th, 2021 4:41 PM

NBC political director Chuck Todd kicked off Sunday’s Meet the Press with a truly disgusting display of dishonesty and gaslighting. When it came to reporting on how Israel bombed a building on Saturday that housed a Hamas intelligence center along with multiple media outlets that were using as human shields, Todd completely ignored the Hamas element and suggested Israel was targeting…


NBC Reports on Multiple Crises Without Mentioning Biden Once

May 3rd, 2021 12:55 PM

In a classic example of leftist media corruption, on Monday, NBC’s Today show reported on multiple international crises occurring on the Biden administration’s watch without mentioning the President’s name even once. The topics ranged from the U.S. imposing a travel ban on India amid a massive surge in coronavirus cases there, to a boat full of migrants capsizing off the California…


CBS Tied Trump to Myanmar Coup, Defended Leader Silent on Genocide

February 2nd, 2021 4:39 PM

Often on the foreign policy front, there’s not a “good” and “bad” side to a conflict, but two sides you want little to do with. Yet, during Monday’s edition of Evening News, CBS rushed to take a swipe at former President Trump by trying to tie him to the military coup in Myanmar. But in doing so, they defended State Counsellor (prime minister equivalent) Aung San Suu Kyi, an elected…

Iran Funeral

Nets Fear Iran Nuke Scientist Death Will Jeopardize Biden Appeasement

November 30th, 2020 3:20 PM

On Monday, all three network morning shows mourned the death of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, fearing that his killing would make it harder for the incoming Biden administration to appease the brutal authoritarian regime. Hosts and correspondents worried that the event would place Joe Biden in a “very awkward position” while trying to reimplement the disastrous Iran nuclear…


ELECTION UGLINESS: Journalists Celebrate Toppling ‘Dictator’ Trump

November 12th, 2020 9:00 AM

The following are just some of the most obnoxious examples (since election night) of liberal journalists jubilantly declaring victory over their most hated foe Donald Trump.


NBC News Boasts World Reacting Like 'Americans Toppled a Dictator'

November 9th, 2020 8:30 PM

Who gives a rip what the rest of the world thinks? Apparently, NBC Nightly News does; as chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel boasted Monday evening: “Much of the world is reacting to President Trump's defeat as if Americans toppled a dictator.” That’s something coming from a network that often sticks up for America’s enemies, actual dictators, and terrorist organizations.

Katy Tur and Richard Engel

MSNBC Hacks Plead: NATO Won’t Survive Four More Years of Trump!

November 3rd, 2020 4:28 PM

The hysteria on MSNBC and NBC was palpable on Tuesday as correspondents warned of America’s international alliances crumbling if President Trump were to win reelection while also touting how foreign nations were rooting for a Joe Biden victory. In addition to all that delusional ranting, reporters compared Trump to “strong men” dictators who to try to “cling to power.”