'So-called Gay Mafia' Adding Bias to the New York Times

August 21st, 2010 10:13 PM
The Times Business section Wednesday carried a press release of a story headlined "A Resort for Gays Rises in Manhattan: Similar Nightlife Complexes Are Springing Up in Several Cities." Reporter Beth Greenfield talked to no one in this story except the gay entrepreneurs behind the forthcoming "Out NYC Urban Resort." The text box was "Looking for 'a concentrated feeling of community.'" There's…

N.Y. Times Hailed as 'One of the Most Gay-Friendly Institutions in the

March 17th, 2010 10:28 AM
David Boies and Ted Olson, the formerly-dueling duo in the Bush-Gore 2000 recount battle now litigating for gay marriage in California, were the guests of a forum at The New York Times last week. Former Newsweek editor Charles Kaiser reflected on just how far the Times has come, so that now it is a global role model for gay-friendliness. Their news-manufacturing motto might be All the Progress…