
Truth Matters? ABC Panel Defends Joe Biden Telling False War Story

September 1st, 2019 12:37 PM
Apparently, the truth and the accuracy of details meant little to the so-called “powerhouse roundtable” on ABC’s This Week. During the latter half of the Sunday show, the panel defended former Vice President Joe Biden after The Washington Post exposed that a war story Biden had been telling for years was actually a tall tale.

CNN on Biden Gaffes—Democrats Hold Themselves to Higher Truth Standard

August 30th, 2019 11:40 AM
Joe Biden might have set a personal record for the most gaffetastic gaffe of his storied fact-mangling career. In a discussion of Joe Biden's latest gaffe, regarding the award of a medal to a military member, a CNN panel wonders whether Biden could be hurt by his multiple misstatements because when it comes to the truth, Democrats hold themselves to a "higher standard" than Republicans.

Media Silent as Young Turks Commentator Says 'America Deserved 9/11'

August 22nd, 2019 2:10 PM
When a member of the “squad” gets called out for their anti-Semitic, anti-American statements, the liberal media quickly line up to defend the Democrat congresswomen. Yet when a Republican congressman was attacked for his military service by a progressive media commentator this week, it was promptly ignored by that same liberal media.

Hulu Ruins 'Veronica Mars' Comeback with Political Digs

July 23rd, 2019 7:00 AM
The third season of Veronica Mars aired on the CW in 2007 and now, 12 years later, Hulu has brought it back. I am what one might call a dedicated "Marshmallow" - a superfan of the titular teen detective who was equal parts sarcastic and hard-boiled. Imagine both my excitement when I found out the show was coming back and my abject disappointment when I found out that this fourth season was chock…

ABC's Mary Bruce Asks Lefty Dems If Trump’s Tweets Put Lives in Danger

July 15th, 2019 6:48 PM
Late Monday afternoon to the delight of their minions at outlets like CNN and MSNBC, Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) hosted a press conference that simultaneously warned against taking the President’s bait in focusing on his Sunday tweets criticizing them while also doubling down on their anti-Semitic, far-left…

Here’s the WORST of CNN’s Hatefest After Trump's Fourth of July Speech

July 4th, 2019 10:40 PM
Over the course of about 28 minutes of airtime (including commercials) following the President’s Fourth of July event A Salute to America, CNN’s The Situation Room put on one of the most disgraceful displays of liberal media bias, Trump hatred, and slights at America you’ll ever see. Attacking the President like bitter preschoolers, a cast of CNN personalities bashed the Trump speech as a “…

ABC, CBS: Trump 'Muddying' 4th of July With 'Trump-Focused' Rally

July 3rd, 2019 9:16 PM

It was the day before America’s birthday and the liberal media was still decrying President Trump’s “Salute to America” celebration on the National Mall. While they were suddenly concerned about federal government spending (after not caring about it during the Obama years), ABC and CBS suggested Trump was “muddying” the holiday by constructing a “Trump-focused campaign-style rally” for himself…


NY Times: Hey ‘Tiny Patriots,’ America Is 'Just OK'

July 3rd, 2019 11:15 AM
Just days before the celebration of our nation’s birthday, the New York Times tried to rain on our Fourth of July parade.

Matthews, Panel Bash Trump’s 4th Plans as ‘Un-American’ Like the USSR

July 2nd, 2019 10:13 PM
Wish that President Trump would not have inserted himself into Washington, D.C.’s Fourth of July celebrations, allowing A Capitol Fourth to remain on its own? Fine. But to declare the President’s plans “un-American” and a sign he wants to make America like North Korea or the former Soviet Union? That’s nonsense, folks. And as evidenced by those hot takes on Tuesday’s Hardball with MSNBC host…

Nets Insist Trump ‘Hijacking’ 4th of July to Make It ‘More About Him'

July 2nd, 2019 9:15 PM
President Trump has organized a special Fourth of July event to take place on the National Mall which he dubbed “a salute to America,” and the liberal broadcast networks were not pleased with it. Combined, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News insisted Trump is set to divide the country, make it all about himself, and veterans are angry about it.

Ryan: Trump's Fourth of July Parade Is About 'Looking Like a Dictator'

July 2nd, 2019 7:59 PM
There have been plenty of criticisms of President Trump's desire for a Fourth of July event to take place in Washington D.C. Criticisms include it being a misguided use of funds, the tanks being too heavy for D.C.'s streets and bridges, and assertions it would resemble a Soviet military parades down Red Square. On Monday, Trump raised eyebrows with his comments about "brand new Sherman tanks,"…

‘God Bless You’: Jon Voight Responds To Alyssa Milano’s Vicious Tweet

June 28th, 2019 3:45 PM
The difference between patriots and Trump-deranged Hollywood elites is day and night. This morning, actor Jon Voight appeared on Fox and Friends with Gold Star mom Karen Vaughn -- mother of a slain Navy SEAL -- to speak about the July 4th “Rally for Freedom.” When asked about an Alyssa Milano tweet calling him a “has been” and an “F-lister,” Voight prayed for the good of his fellow actor. 

CNN Claims Trump Gets All His Military Advice from Fox News

June 23rd, 2019 2:40 PM
Since President Trump took office, CNN has been trying to gaslight the country into believing that the President’s friendly relationship with some of the hosts on Fox News was somehow not a standard part of Washington D.C.’s revolving door (Obama hired at least 30 liberal media folks). Now, during Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources”, host and media janitor Brian Stelter took the feud with their…

Nets Ignore Ilhan Omar Blaming America for Iran Drone Attack

June 21st, 2019 10:59 AM
When a sitting congresswoman sides with our enemy over our own country, is that not newsworthy? Apparently the networks didn’t think so. They ignored a tweet sent Thursday by Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar, where she blamed America for Iran shooting down one of our military’s drones. The networks, even cable news, were nowhere to be found Thursday evening or Friday morning.