Daily Kos Week in Review: Jumping the Gun

October 26th, 2012 11:12 PM

This past week, two Kossacks speculated that if President Obama wins a second term, furious right-wingers might well respond with terrorist attacks and lesser mayhem. Another declared that he'd rather share a debate stage with Muppets than with conservatives.

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Troubadour: The election results could lead to widespread violence...
...[The Republican party is] not a political opposition, they're a criminal organization seeking the demolition of our republic and society so they can collect the wreckage as loot. Nothing more, nothing less.  And they behave accordingly...
Be prepared for Obama to win handily; be prepared for Obama to win by a close margin; be prepared for a wave of right-wing terrorist attacks and an even greater flood of petty crimes against Obama supporters to follow an Obama victory; be prepared for Mitt Romney to win legitimately, as unlikely as that seems; be prepared for Mitt Romney to be declared the winner through election fraud; be prepared for the media to be directly accomplice to a fraudulent Republican result; be prepared to be embarrassed and disgusted by the weakness, blindness, and confusion of your fellow Democrats if such events unfold...

Penthesilea: ...by right-wing zombies

The GOP will need something to scream about, something to investigate, something to propel their zombie FoxNews viewers towards their gun cabinets. That's where they skewed pro-Romney polls come in.

They have to sell this notion that Romney is up by 6 points nationally so when he is crushed in the electoral college count, the FoxNews talking heads have a reason to start threatening their second amendment remedies...

...In short, they will troll for assassins and terrorists. There will be more than a few idiots who will sign up to join Eric Rudolph in prison or Timothy McVeigh in hell. Sadly, they'll probably take a few innocent people with them.

That is the reason for the purposely skewed pols. They are simply prepping the sheep for their wet-dream revolution.  

MinistryOfTruth: Republicans are delusional fanatics...

...Chris Hayes reminded us a few weeks ago that Biggie Smalls used to say "Never get high on your own supply". That is where the modern GOP is right now. They truly believe their own bullshit, no matter how demonstrably false that bullshit may be. "Fuck facts" is the motto of this GOP, and that makes it very hard to win over anyone who isn't already a true believer...
...The GOP, since the end of the Bush/Cheney years, has alienated too many people, and instead of moderating their policy positions or changing them altogether they have concocted a fantasy world where all of this is Obama's fault and George W. Bush never existed. The problem with that world is it doesn't exist. If Romnesia is an epidemic, than the epicenter is at Fox News. Ultra-Conservative right wing propagandists, a parade of unaccountable, mud slinging grifters and-has beens who only appeal to their own echo chamber are dragging the GOP into the gutter. Face it, take away all of their money and voter suppression and the GOP wouldn't have a chance in this election, without the astroturfed artifice of RW media and Citizens United enabled campaign money the GOP would be in total shambles...
MinistryOfTruth: ...and I won't exchange views with them
I have been invited to participate in a debate. On one side there would be some honest folks from the early days of Occupy Wall Street and myself. On the other side would be a "Tea Party" panel of Fox News contributors, Americans For Prosperity hacks and Pam Geller...
...I have better things to do than mud wrestling with a pig, I will only get myself dirty and the pig will love every second of it. And in case I'm not making myself clear enough, Pam Geller is a pig. I would gain more credibility if I attended a debate versus Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog instead. Sure they are puppets, but at least I would know that the hands up their asses don't belong to David Koch and Rupert Murdoch...   

Kaili Joy Gray: Rank-and-file Catholics think contraception's just fine

...American Catholics think their religious liberty is just fine, thank you very much, and they'd like to see a little less whining about vaginas and a little more focus on those things Jesus actually did talk about: the poor, the hungry, the sick, the weakest among us. You know, those people the Republicans have been trying to screw over. Those people the Ryan budget specifically targets because it's better to let a family starve than depend on government assistance, sayeth the Lord...