ABC Anchor Meditates On How Liberal 'Hearts Soar' Over Robert Mueller

January 14th, 2018 7:07 AM

ABC Nightline host Dan Harris is promoting a new book called Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics. One way the self-described “unabashed meditation evangelist” pushed his message was a Time magazine essay on “How meditation can help in the era of angry politics.”

Harris confessed “during one of the Trump-Clinton presidential debates I stress-ate a family-size bag of popcorn. I didn’t realize what I’d done until I looked down to see my feet surrounded by stray kernels. Nevertheless, I really do believe meditation can help you survive this season of discontent and division.” It's guaranteed all his stress was about Hillary losing.

But here's the part to like: Harris describes the Robert Mueller probe as the dearest cause of the toxic Left. Conservatives want "liberal tears," and liberals want Mueller to force Trump's impeachment: 

When you’re blinded by outrage, you’re unable to understand the views of people with whom you disagree. A consistent meditation practice can help you know your biases. Does your heart soar every time the Mueller probe inches closer to the White House? Or do you own a mug emblazoned with the words Liberal Tears? When you’re more aware of your own tribal instincts, you may be more inclined to venture out of your ideological bubble and examine opposing views.

There are many liberals out there with an "insane inner torrent," to borrow from the Harris conclusion: "Sitting and watching your insane inner torrent puts you in touch with a fundamental truth: everything changes. This can be a bitter pill. Nothing lasts–not the dopamine hit from a fistful of popcorn, not even your life. But at a time of national tumult, a felt sense of impermanence can also be deeply comforting."