Trevor Noah: Satirist? Or DNC Sellout?

July 30th, 2016 6:31 AM

The shocking Wikileaks e-mails wrenched from the Democratic National Committee added more weight to something we already knew: Democrats and the "objective" media closely coordinate and cultivate a joint set of images and messages.

But that's not all. Supposedly nonpartisan, independent "satirists" in late-night TV have been the darlings of the Left, but pretended to mock both sides. Comedy Central stars Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in 2010 that pretended to endorse more civility and compromise. That sermon didn't match what these stars said on the air, but there was a fig leaf of pretense.

But now all the ironic distance has vanished, as anyone can see from observing Trevor Noah, who replaced Stewart on The Daily Show. He devoted a segment on July 27 to the idea "It's embarrassing that this even a contest." The Comedy Central host said people would say he's not objective, so he shot back, "Any objective person can see that of the two options, one is not an option."

Noah said it’s a choice between two lifeboats: One, “we’ve seen float, it’s weathered many a storm and yes, it’s sprung a few leaks, metaphorically speaking.” But the other one is “made out of cheese doodles, and it has a shark in it, and it’s on fire, and it’s underwater, and it’s name is Donald Trump and somehow it’s leading in the polls!”

The cheerleading for the Democrats is overt. The idol-worship isn’t hidden at all.

In a July 26 interview on CBS This Morning, he was asked about Michelle Obama's convention speech. Noah sounded like any other DNC-coordinated media clone.

"Wow, wow, it was goose bumps for everybody," he said. "I could feel the machinery of the DNC ticking, going 'When do we get her into this conversation? Do we wait for the girls to go to college? Do we, how do we get Michelle?' Because she was electric. I mean her command of the microphone! The command of the audience! You know the ride that she took everybody on. It was truly one of the most amazing things I've ever seen! I even said yesterday, I was like, I would steal her speech, as well. I really would."  

So what about America making "history" with a President Hillary?

Noah said "Why did it take you so long?....The rest of the world has always looked to America as the leader in not just politics but in the free world, and to only now be getting to the point where you're electing a female nominee....How is it that the media and I guess the narrative has gotten us to the point where we've forgotten that Hillary is the first female nominee. People treat it like it is not a momentous occasion."

This is Noah's idea of a media critique. Hey, media, you're not glowing enough about Historic Hillary...which sounds like he's not even watching TV.

So CBS asked how he would greet Hillary's big speech. The pom-poms came out again. "You know after Hillary steps up there and those -  I think the, the room will be so electric balloons won't drop they'll go up. They won't be able, they won't be able to stay down."

Noah's Complete Sellout status as a satirist came when Gayle King asked "As a comedian though, how do you decide the line you're gonna straddle to cross or not to cross? How far do you go?" She cited comedienne Sarah Silverman at the convention podium yelling at the "Bernie or Bust" die-hards "You're being ridiculous!"  

He commended Silverman for....trying to unify the Democrats, for doing the political work to thump Trump. "Sarah Silverman, I don't think wanted to go full comedian at Hillary's convention. You don't want to make the story about you. You have to be measured at that point. And I commend her. She came out, she said what she needed to say."

This sounds exactly like everyone else on the DNC's email list.  Noah isn't a satirist of the partisan liberal media. He's just another tool in Hillary's box of tools.