Gay Pride at Parade

April 29th, 2012 1:44 PM

Parade Magazine, the nationwide Sunday newspaper supplement has a cover touting “How Top Chefs Stay Slim.” Two of the three cover subjects are gay: Art Smith, a former personal chef for Oprah Winfrey, and Cat Cora, an “Iron Chef” star.

Both are good subjects for a slimness cover: Smith lost 120 pounds after a diabetes diagnosis, and Cora lost 25 after giving birth to a son. Parade did dig into their personal lives, which might not have seemed as relevant if they chose chefs that were Republicans or Roman Catholics. They would protest it's not relevant, but then they make sure to slip the facts in:

First, they report chef Curtis Stone has a son with actress Lindsay Price (no marriage).  Then Art Smith talked about his husband:

SMITH: I love pizza. I met my husband [artist Jesus Salgueiro] over pizza. I need to have it at least once a week. But there’s a lot of bad pizza; I won’t put it in my mouth if it’s not artisan or handmade.

Parade then asked:

PARADE: Cat, you’ve got four young sons [with partner Jennifer], and Curtis, you have a new baby boy. How do you get kids to eat healthy?

CORA: At [age] 3, start saying to them, “Let’s all make a family decision about dinner tonight. Do we want chicken or salmon? Do we want broccoli or edamame?” Give two options, not three, four, five. The more invested they are in the meal, the more likely they are to eat it.