'20/20' Channels Lewis Black's Anger at God and Bush

February 1st, 2008 4:58 PM

I just stumbled across this from last Friday's (January 25) edition of ABC's "20/20," which devoted most of the show to Anger in America. From the entertainment world, they brought in angry liberal comedian Lewis Black. In between Black joking about how he loves to be angry, they plopped in clips from his stand-up routine that bowl them over at ABC:

For the Democrats not to be able to find somebody who could've defeated George Bush is beyond belief. It's stunning! It would be like finding a normal person who would lose in the Special Olympics.

This came right after anchor Elizabeth Vargas tried to note "You, in your act, take on both sides of the aisle. They both make you mad. Fair?"

Yes, Elizabeth, as you can see, the Democrats make him mad because they haven't beaten the dreaded Bush.

Then she wondered if there were times when anger wasn't funny. Black said "I can't make abortion funny." She asked "So that's the only think you won't touch?" He replied: "That's it, pretty much." ABC then proved it with a God-bashing clip from his act:

Pretty much, I think. The New Testament God is really kind of a great guy. He is, especially when you compare him to the Old Testament God -- (pause) who is a prick.

ABC immediately followed with quick clips of Black lamenting "Terri Schiavo 24 hours a day on every channel. Here comes Terri." And: "Dick Cheney. [Audience groans.] And that's all I got to say."