CBS Pushes Kasich From the Left: Want to Decry Trump’s ‘Wrong Path?’

April 24th, 2017 5:11 PM

The journalists on CBS This Morning, Monday, goaded John Kasich to attack Donald Trump, lauding the moderate Republican governor. Democratic donor Gayle King, who vacations with Barack Obama, lobbed this softball: “You believe that historians will scratch their heads and look at this election as a tipping point. What will they see?” 

Charlie Rose encouraged, “You believe we took the wrong path in 2016? And do you believe — are you reinforced in that by that in the first 100 days of the Trump administration?"

Norah O’Donnell pushed Kasich to lobby against repealing ObamaCare. 

NORAH O'DONNELL: The repeal of ObamaCare, specifically Medicaid expansion, you've taken and put that into place in Ohio. If they repeal that, what would happen? 

KASICH: It would devastate people in my state. 

King ended the interview by pleading, “Governor, will you run again?” In 2015, when it was actually theoretically possible Kasich would be elected President, the hosts of CBS grilled the governor on whether the Republican Party should “evolve” on certain issues. 

A transcript of the questions is below: 

CBS This Morning 

GAYLE KING: Ohio Governor John Kasich served in Congress served in Congress back in 1995. He was also Chairman of the House Budget Committee three years later when the country balanced the budget for the first time in decades. Kasich was the last Republican standing against Donald Trump in the Republican primary race in 2016. He delivered a speech during his campaign that he called two paths to distinguish himself from opponents. 

JOHN KASICH: Two paths. One choice: The path that exploits anger. Encourages resentment. Turns fear into hatred and divides people. The other path is the one America has been down before. It's well trod. Yeah, it's at times very steep. But it's also solid. 

KING: Now, that speech inspired the governor's new book. It’s called Two Paths: America Divided or United. He joins us now at the table. Governor, it’s good to have you back. 

JOHN KASICH: God, I looked so young. I mean, what happened to me. I used to be young? So was Charlie. 

KING: You are still young. 

CHARLIE ROSE: I was going to say, tell me about it. 

KASICH: You still look good. 

KING: He’s young too. Years from now, you believe that historians will scratch their heads and look at this election as a tipping point. What will they see? 


ROSE: One point that’s right here and we are talking about his week. Based on your experience, do you think we’ll have a government shutdown? 


KING: You said you never thought Donald Trump would win, but he won. And that we should listen to that. 


NORAH O’DONNELL: Your party, the Republican Party, controls the legislative and executive branch. It's an incredible opportunity. A lot of changes that conservatives would like. The repeal of ObamaCare, specifically Medicaid expansion, you've taken and put that into place in Ohio. If they repeal that, what would happen? 

KASICH: It would devastate people in my state. 


ROSE: Just one question about the government in place in Washington D.C. You believe we took the wrong path in 2016? And do you believe — are you reinforced in that by that in the first 100 days of the Trump administration?”