ABC Hypes Claim That George Stephanopoulos ‘Inspired’ JFK Jr.

August 1st, 2016 5:08 PM

The media’s love for the Kennedy family displayed itself in a new way on Monday. Rosemarie Terenzio, a producer on the new documentary I Am JFK Jr., appeared to tell Robin Roberts that her Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos “inspired” John F. Kennedy Jr. Terenzio, who was a personal assistant to the younger Kennedy, insisted, “George Stephanopoulos was sort of the for the kernel of the idea that became George magazine.”

Speaking of the then-young Democratic staffer turned journalist “... In the political pop culture realm, George [Stephanopoulos] was the guy, you know, he was right there with the president and he was so young and we were all so jealous.” 

George magazine, created by Kennedy, published from 1995 to 2001. In the online version of the story, pointed out that “the magazine was named after George Washington.” 

On July 14, NBC’s Today pushed the Kennedy loved, hyping JFK Jr. As “American royalty” and a “prince.” 

On September 15, 2008, as Ted Kennedy campaigned for Barack Obama, then-ABC reporter Claire Shipman said the Kennedys were “the closest thing we have in this country to political royalty.” 

On July 16, 2009, ABC mourned the lost presidential talents of JFK Jr., the “prince of Camelot.” 


ROBIN ROBERTS: Now to a GMA exclusive. John F. Kennedy Jr.'s closest friends are revealing what he was like out of the spotlight. It’s a beautiful new documentary: I Am JFK Jr. Here’s a look. 

 ROBERT DE NIRO: He lived his life the way he wanted to and he was able to deal when people recognized him. I like that reserved thing about him and easy to relate to. 

MIKE TYSON: His tentacles of love reaches out from the grave. It's still here now. 

ROBERTS: Joining us now Rosemarie Terenzio, the executive producer of the documentary. She was JFK Jr.s close friend, personal assistant. Wrote the book Fairytale Interrupted. It’s great to see you again. 

ROSEMARIE TERENZIO: Thanks, great to see you too. 

ROBERTS: This looks lovely. I haven't had a chance to see it yet but you said it’s really to introduce him to a new generation. People, young people who don't realize who he was. 

TERENZIO: He —  we lost him at 38 years old and I think if he knew that he would want to be remembered. And it's important for young people to know his place in history. 

ROBERTS: Absolutely. And some close friends, we see the list of people who are a part of it. What are we going to learn, those of us who do know John-John. He'll always be John-John to me? 

TERENZIO: One of the most surprising thing the eclectic group of people he associated with. You know? From Ann Coulter, Mike Tyson, Cindy Crawford, Robert de Niro. You know, it's a group you wouldn't expect to be associated with him and he just had an amazing way of relating to so many people in so many different ways. 

ROBERTS: And he was so approachable and attracted people. 

TERENZIO:  So disarming. So disarming. 

ROBERTS: I hear he had quite a sense of humor. He would play with your phone? 

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TERENZIO: Oh, he used to answer the phone at my desk. He’d say, "George magazine.” And they’d say, “Is John in?” And he'd say, “Who is calling?” And he'd say “This is John.” And they’d say, “No, it's not” and they’d hang up. He loved it. He loved the joke. Always practical joking around the office but he loved answering the phone. 

ROBERTS: Must have seen just all different sides of him working with him like that. So, what, Rosemarie, do you want people to come away after watching this documentary? 

TERENZIO: I think the lesson you get from this from John it's more important to be good than it is to be great. 

ROBERTS: I love that. A tribute to a good man. What do you miss most about him? 

TERENZIO: Oh, so much but I think his wisdom. I mean there's so many things especially in the political climate that I would love to get his opinion on and know what he would think and what he would do and how he would cover all of this in George magazine. 

ROBERTS: Speaking of George magazine, somebody that influenced him or I shouldn't say influenced him that he —  help me out here. 

TERENZIO: George Stephanopoulos was sort of the for the kernel of the idea that became George magazine. 

ROBERTS: Come on. 

TERENZIO: No, I mean, at the time George was, you know, this young interesting guy who was in the middle of the political — 

ROBERTS: Why do you say was? He still is a very interesting guy. 

TERENZIO: He is but at that thyme in the political pop culture realm, George was the guy, you know, he was right there with the president and he was so young and we were all so jealous. 

ROBERTS: So John Jr. Was influenced by that? 

TERENZIO: Yes, he saw that piece of politics and pop culture merging at that point. 

ROBERTS: Well, thank you very much. Now we are not going to be able to live with George now that he knows that. He’s going to take claim to the idea that the magazine was named after him. 

TERENZIO: Of course, it was named after him. 

Tell the Truth 2016