Carly Fiorina Schools ‘View’ Crew Over Feud: Be ‘Honest’

November 6th, 2015 12:38 PM

Carly Fiorina on Friday debated the liberal co-hosts of The View, mocking them for attacks on her and also lobbying for honesty about the double standard conservative women face. At one point, the Republican lectured: “If all of you are honest, you will admit that this is the reality. Conservative women are held to a different standard than liberal women. That's just true.” 

When the liberal Joy Behar wondered, “by whom,” Fiorina retorted, “By all of you. By the liberal media.” The controversy first started last week after the hosts attacked the candidate’s “demented” “Halloween mask” of a face. 

After Goldberg tried to dismiss the comments as comedy, Fiorina zinged: 

CARLY FIORINA: Well, hey, if you didn't meant your comment about my face being demented and a Halloween mask as humorous, so be it. I guess you misinterpreted Donald Trump's comments about my face and thought those weren't humorous. You sort of took him to task. 

When questioned about garnering press based on the attacks, the businesswoman retorted, “I think The View garnered a lot of publicity over this feud as well. I think that's why you're having me on the show at the top of the hour for a couple of segments.” 

Co-host Paula Faris tried again: 

PAULA FARIS: You're using the feud with The View as well as part of a fund-raising campaign. But you're clearly trying to make lemonade out of lemons here, aren’t you?  

FIORINA: Oh, so you’re telling me that you guys are lemons? 

A partial transcript is below: 

The View
CARLY FIORINA: If you can’t handle a tough question or you can’t handle an unfair question, then you really shouldn’t be president of the United States. 

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: How about humor? Because, um, —  

FIORINA: Well, how about humor? 

GOLDBERG: Well, I'm going the bring it up. Because there are going to be lots of comics saying lots of different things. I wondered, because we saw some of the —  that you were a little upset with us about a comic comment that was made. And so, how will you steel your skin? How will you get a thicker skin to accept some of the humorous things that will be said about you? 

FIORINA: Well, hey, if you didn’t meant your comment about my face being demented and a Halloween mask as humorous, so be it. I guess you misinterpreted Donald Trump's comments about my face and thought those weren’t humorous. You sort of took him to task. 

GOLDBERG: That was me, actually. 

FIORINA: But I have a real thick skin. 

JOY BEHAR: Hold on, Carly. It’s Joy again. It's the wounded warrior. Give me a minute.

MICHELLE COLLINS: Give Joy a second. 

BEHAR:  I defended you against Donald Trump's comment. He's running for president of the United States. And he was making a nasty comment about your looks and I took him on on this show. But, we are comedians here. I make fun of Hillary's pantsuits. Hillary's husband's sex life. John Boehner's tan.


GOLDBERG: And I have to tell you, having watched some of the press that you garnered based on this fake feud with The View, I’m a little taken aback because you kinda said that somehow liberal women are ---, that we are made uncomfortable by conservative women. But we weren’t uncomfortable with you. Did you think we were uncomfortable with you when you were on?  

FIORINA: First of all, Whoopi. I enjoyed being on the show. The first time. And I'm enjoying being on the show the second time. And I think The View garnered a lot of publicity over this feud as well. I think that's why you’re having me on the show at the top of the hour for a couple of segments. 

GOLDBERG: Actually, we haven't put out any ads or anything. We didn’t put out any ads.  

RAVEN SYMONE: We were not going to buy a private plane for you the come on. 

GOLDBERG: But I guess what I’m saying is that do you think we are not responsive to you guys? 

FIORINA: I haven't put out —  I haven't put out any ads either, Whoopi. But let me just say, If you're denying — 

PAULA FARIS: I just wanted to say, Carly and I know you used I wanted to say, Carly. I know you used the unfortunate situation with Donald Trump to your benefit. You know, you were making lemonade out of lemons. You're using the feud with The View as well as part of a fund-raising campaign. But you're clearly trying to make lemonade out of lemons here, aren’t you?  

FIORINA: Oh, so you’re telling me that you guys are lemons? I thought you said I shouldn’t be offended. 

FARIS: No. That is funny, actually. 

BEHAR: That is a good one. Very good. Very good. 

FARIS: That is funny, actually. [View hosts applaud.] You try to spin something, try to turn it into something beneficial. That's what you do in life, you take a situation and you use to it your advantage. 

FIORINA: Here's —  here is the reality. And I think if all of you are honest, you will admit that this is the reality. Conservative women are held to a different standard than liberal women. That's just true. 

BEHAR: By whom? 


FIORINA: By all of you. By the liberal media.