View Co-Hosts Fawn Over Obama With Questions on 'Right-Wing' Fox News, iPod, Lindsay Lohan

July 29th, 2010 1:10 PM

Barack Obama on Thursday mostly breezed through an appearance on The View, enjoying questions about his iPod, Lindsay Lohan and the Jersey Shore. Liberal co-host Joy Behar railed against Fox News and "the right-wing." She complained, "...They seem to be hijacking the narrative. Where, on your side, is the narrative?" [MP3 audio here.]

The comedienne seriously asserted, "Where is your attack dog to come out and tell the American people, 'Listen, this is what we did?'" After Obama told Behar, "that's your job," she eagerly replied, "I do it! But, I'm only one woman!"

Barbara Walters, who was recovering from surgery and returned early for the interview, hit the President from the left.

She lobbied for an early exit from Afghanistan: "But I've got to get to Afghanistan because it's so much in the news right now...Supposedly we're there because of al Qaeda. There are only 50 or so members of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Why don't we leave? Why don't we get out?"

Later in the hour, Behar ran through a serious of softball queries: "Do you know that Lindsey Lohan is in jail?...Does Mel Gibson need anger management?...Should Snooki run as mayor of Wasilla?"

The only real tough question came when token conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck challenged Obama with this question:

HASSELBECK: I want to get to something that's really important to so many Americans. You had promised that the stimulus bill would cap unemployment at eight percent. We're at near ten percent across the country. 12 percent in my home state of Rhode Island. We're in a state of chronic joblessness.

Yet, and we heard in the beginning of the show, you claim there's saved jobs, something, a standard not used before by any administration. It's frustrating to hear that saved jobs boasting because it doesn't feel that way to Americans when they don't have jobs and they're losing jobs.

How can you continue and your administration continue to say that you are saving jobs when in fact people are losing jobs?

A transcript of the questions from the co-hosts can be found below:



BARBARA WALTERS: You know, you have- you have gone through a little bit of a beating the last month. Do you really think that being on a show with a bunch of women, five women who never shut up is going to be calming?


WALTERS: Have you ever watched us?


WALTERS: We said that is has been a kind of a difficult time for you between oil and questions of racism and Afghanistan and a few little other things. Um, we understand that you sit at night with your daughters and your wife and you do the rose and the thorn. Right? You still do it?


WALTERS: In the last month, what has been the rose and what has been the thorn?

[The rose has been a couple days we took in Maine.]



[Where do I begin here? Country has gone trough a tough stretch. Talks about unemployment.]


WALTERS: The one thorn, the biggest thorn this last month?

[The things that the media may focus on is not what I focus on. I have to sign letters to parents whose children died in Afghanistan.]


JOY BEHAR: Can I follow up on something?


BEHAR: Because, you know, you've really done a lot, I think. I mean, you've signed 200-plus laws into- since you're in office. You have financial reform has taken place. You got a health care. I mean, you put two woman on the Supreme Court. I could go on and on about your accomplishments. And yet, the right-wing, through Fox News and other outlets, they seem to be hijacking the narrative. Where, on your side, is the narrative? Where is your attack dog to come out and tell the American people, "Listen, this is what we did?"

OBAMA: Joy, that's your job.

JOY BEHAR: I do it! But, I'm only one woman!

OBAMA: No. Let- let- let- let me say this. When times are tough, as they have been, naturally, there's going to be a political argument that's going on out there. And I volunteered for this job. And politics is not beanbag. Politics is not beanbag. I mean, politics is a contact sport. You expect people going at you. The one thing that does frustrate me sometimes is the sense that we shouldn't be campaigning all the time. You know, there is a time to campaign. And then there is a time to govern. What we've tried to do over the last 20 months is to govern. On health care or financial reform. Right now we have got a big debate about how to get small businesses more credit because they generate the jobs than anyone else. And when you feel as if every single initiative that we're doing is subject Washington politics instead of is this good for the country, that can be frustrating. But having said that, look, there are legitimate differences to be had between the parties. I'm not perfect. My administration is not perfect. And a lot of this criticism I try to listen to and, if I think it's fair, then we try to correct it. Now, some of it, I'll grant you, Joy, I tend to think not is fair. Michelle doesn't think any of it is fair.

BEHAR: That's right.


ELISABETH HASSELBECK: I want to ask you about the country, too. Because, you know, seeing you here is truly is an honor to have you here as the President of the United States. It does seem as though we are a very divided states of America right now on so many issues. And I think that even those who did not vote for you felt a hope that there would be a uniting factor when you took office. Are you frustrated that this country still feels so divided and you have not been able to bring that unity?


SHERRI SHEPHERD: Mr. President, we had Shirley Sherrod, who was the USDA officially who was fired over this racially charged clip that was taken out of context. It was posted on a blog. I think when you took office, I think a lot of people thought we were going to be able to get beyond race. But, it seems like every single day, it's something racially charged. Do you think that we are still an America- we are still- America is racist?


WALTERS: You do not describe yourself as a black President. But, that's the way you are described. Your mother was white. Would it be helpful or why don't you say, "I'm not a black President, I'm biracial"?




HASSELBECK: I want to get to something that's really important to so many Americans. You had promised that the stimulus bill would cap unemployment at eight percent. We're at near ten percent across the country. 12 percent in my home state of Rhode Island. We're in a state of chronic joblessness. Yet, and we heard in the beginning of the show, you claim there's saved jobs, something, a standard not used before by any administration. It's frustrating to hear that saved jobs boasting because it doesn't feel that way to Americans when they don't have jobs and they're losing jobs. How can you continue and your administration continue to say that you are saving jobs when in fact people are losing jobs?


HASSELBECK: I think the word saved is what's troubling people.


WALTERS: We have more time later on. But I've got to get to Afghanistan because it's so much in the news right now. This week, Congress voted to spend another, what, $59 billion for the war. But 100 Democrats, much larger number than last year, refused to vote for your plan. And now we hear about a leak of secret documents, Pakistani may be as friendly to the rebels than you are. Supposedly we're there because of al Qaeda. There are only 50 or so members of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Why don't we leave? Why don't we get out?


BEHAR: July 2011, draw down.


BEHAR: Do you know that Lindsey Lohan is in jail?


BEHAR: Does Mel Gibson need anger management?


BEHAR: Should Snooki run as mayor of Wasilla?


SHEPHERD: Mr. President- Do you Tweet?




WALTERS: They took your e-mail away when you came in? But, do you e-mail on the side?


HASSELBECK: Have you thought about an iPhone at all? Making the switch?


GOLDBERG: What's the first couple of songs on your iPod?


SHEPHERD: Mr. President, are you going to Chelsea Clinton's wedding?


WALTERS: Were you invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding?


WALTERS: Have boys entered the picture yet for your girls?


SHEPHERD: Mr. President, Mr. President if you want to send the kids to great babysitters, we're the most normal women you want to meet. .



GOLDBERG: President Obama, you've been in office 18 months. Clearly you have not begun to walk on water, though people expected you to right after the election. You were told you were too slow on responding to BP or too fast on Ms.Sherrod. You haven't explained yourself. No one understands. Sir, can you win as president?

BEHAR: Are you on Zoloft is what we'd like to know?


HASSELBECK: Will they have jobs when they're out of there? [Referring to kids when they get out of college?]


WALTERS: The fact that your rating is so low, does that bother you? Can you say that it's going to be better?


WALTERS: What would you like your legacy to be?