Maryland Democrat Drops Out of Congressional Race After Discovery of Voter Fraud; WashPost Buries Story

September 11th, 2012 11:56 AM

The Washington Post doesn’t always report on voter fraud, but when it does, it buries the story in the Metro section.

At the bottom of page B4 in the September 11 issue, the Post noted a Democratic congressional candidate in Maryland who dropped out of the race yesterday after instances of her voter fraud were brought to light.

Wendy Rosen, a small businesswoman from Cockeysville challenging freshman Republican Rep. Andy Harris (1st District) was discovered to have voted in both Florida and Maryland in the 2006 midterm election and the 2008 presidential primaries.

Considering that Rosen’s own party exposed her wrongdoing, David Ferguson, the executive director of the Maryland GOP, was hopeful that this incident would further legitimize voter ID laws and result in more bipartisan support. Post staff writer Ben Pershing quoted from Ferguson’s statement:

If the Maryland Democrat Party is willing to push one of its own candidates out of the race due to voter fraud, I’m sure this means they will join us in an effort to purge the rolls across Maryland of illegal immigrants, the deceased, and those otherwise unqualified to vote.

While the Post was right to cover the story – voter fraud scuttling a congressional candidacy is always newsworthy – it’s telling how the paper covered this as though it were a mere afterthought, and not worthy of more prime real estate in the print edition.