Lena Dunham's Halloween Costume: Planned Parenthood Abortion 'Doctor'

October 27th, 2015 6:18 PM

Have you decided what outfit you're going to wear on Halloween? Well, liberal actress and comedienne Lena Dunham has already made her choice and announced on Tuesday in her Lenny Letter email newsletter that she's going to dress up on Saturday, October 31, “as something newsy, sexy, and cool: a Planned Parenthood doctor!”

“The most successful Halloween costumes are classic but topical, sexy but funny, not too ugly and not too obscure, perfect conversation starters and ideal photo-ops,” Dunham wrote while explaining her choice for this year's outfit.

According to a post by Alex Griswold at Mediaite.com, the 29-year-old star of the HBO Channel Girls program “has long been a staunch proponent of the nation’s largest abortion provider.”

For example, in an interview with Vanity Fair earlier this year, she was asked who her real-life heroes are. “The men and women who work at Planned Parenthood centers across America,” she responded, even though the organization aborted more than 300,000 babies last year and then harvested organs from their bodies for money

It didn't take long for the staff of The Federalist website to come up with a response:

Dunham’s abhorrent costume choice doesn’t just lack tact, however. It also endorses an organization that is really, really bad for women.

Regardless of whether or not one accepts the notion that life begins at conception, no pro-choice individual should support an organization that deliberately treats women so poorly.

Another reaction to Dunham's outfit came from @LisaDeP, who used a Twitter post to criticize the choice as “sad and one-dimensional,” while @seanmdav stated that “there's no use dressing up as a ghoul when you can dress up as a Planned Parenthood abortionist.”

"There’s nothing new about dressing as a murderer for Halloween,” @BenHowe stated, and the staff at the Twitchy website called the choice “ghoulish” and asserted that this “costume will make you fume.”

As The Federalist‘s Mollie Hemingway recently detailed, Planned Parenthood’s own customers have criticized the unsanitary conditions and low standards of care provided by the organization. Hemingway added that these abortion clinics also have a reputation of being “completely disgusting” and routinely exposing women to infectious diseases.

For example, the top health inspector general in Texas recently banned Planned Parenthood from participating in the state’s Medicaid program due to repeated health violations by the abortion provider.

According to an official letter obtained by the Houston Chronicle, the termination of support resulted from multiple health and legal violations “brought to light by a series of undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress, or CMP.”

The notice also states that altering the standard of care to procure fetal tissue “violate[s] accepted medical standards, as reflected in federal law” and is therefore a “Medicaid program violation ... that justifies termination.”

The staff of The Federalist then harshly criticized patients of the nation's biggest abortion mill:

No woman, especially one who purports to care about female empowerment, should endorse an organization like Planned Parenthood that treats women as revenue units to be exploited instead of treating them like people who deserve quality health care.

While Dunham did announce that she would be dressing up as a Planned Parenthood abortionist for Halloween this year, she has not stated whether she plans to carry around aborted baby body parts for sale.

“Either way,” the staff continued, “given Lena Dunham’s staunch support for an organization that targets hundreds of thousands of young lives for extermination each year, trick-or-treaters would be well-advised to skip her house this year.”

Meanwhile, Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy of Yahoo! Health News claimed that Dunham’s “Costume Is All Treat, No Tricks.”

Uffalussy stated that the liberal actress's post “traces the history of her own Halloween costumes, from a young child who wanted to be a mermaid-fairy (and whose dad fashioned some sort of homemade tail for her) to … a college freshman who hoped a sexy mermaid costume would result in the loss of her virginity (it did not).”

However, Stephanie Marcus -- entertainment editor for the liberal Huffington Post website -- praised Dunham's 2016 choice as “pretty great” after 29 years of "failing" at Halloween.

Marcus also claimed the outfit is “very specific and noble.”

It comes as no surprise that a “Hollywood liberal” would wear a costume to promote her “heroes” at Planned Parenthood.

However, it's probably not a good idea to guess what costume she'll wear in 2016, which will probably portray her as a truly scary character such as Hillary Clinton or Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz!