Fan Sends Katy Perry Picture of Him Pointing Gun at Girl: ‘If You Can't Babysit Me, Say Bye to My Little Sister!’

July 27th, 2013 12:58 PM

Either a deranged fan or a kid with a very bad sense of humor sent a tweet to Katy Perry Saturday that included a picture of him pointing a gun at a little girl with the text, “If you can't babysit me, say bye to my little sister!”

This occurred hours after the popstar appeared on NBC's Tonight Show discussing the crazy tweets she receives.

Previous tweets show Antonacci rather obsessed with the popstar:

Rather ironically, Perry discussed her experiences on Twitter with Jay Leno and Chris Collinsworth Friday evening:

Sure is scary out there.

*****Update: This also happened the day after Billboard announced that Perry had surpassed Lady Gaga as the woman with the most Twitter followers.

Perry nows has 39.8 million and Gaga 39.2 million. Justin Bieber still leads everyone with 42.2 million.

*****Update II: It turns out this is just a kid with a bad sense of humor. He tweeted me Sunday morning saying that it was all a joke, and that picture isn't his sister. Just something he found on the internet. I guess this passes for comedy today. Says a lot, doesn't it?