Piers Morgan Tells Huntsman 'I've Never Seen Any Candidate Who Has Got Better Press' Poll So Low

October 18th, 2011 11:32 AM

Piers Morgan, likely without knowing it, made quite a statement about America's news media Monday.

In an interview with Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman on the CNN program bearing his name, the host said, "I've never seen any candidate who has got better press or had more people say he's a great guy, he'd be perfect, who was polling so low" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PIERS MORGAN: Let me put it to you, though, Jon Huntsman. Here's the issue for you. I've never seen any candidate who has got better press or had more people say he's a great guy, he'd be perfect, who was polling so low.

Why do you think that is? And what can you do about it? I mean for many people, this is -- and to use the gambling parlance in Vegas -- your last throw of the dice. You're putting all your chips on New Hampshire.


What's indeed fascinating is that as NewsBusters has been reporting for months, it's been quite clear the media have been pulling for Huntsman - including Morgan: