Maher: 'Boehner Feels Like a Female to Me - Maybe Liberals Should Demand to See His Penis'

March 26th, 2011 3:37 PM

Bill Maher once again spent a great deal of his HBO program Friday mocking Republicans.

In an opening monologue spoof of a new poll finding 51 percent of the GOP don't believe Barack Obama was born in America, the "Real Time" host said, "John Boehner wears bronzer and goes on crying jags. He just feels like a female to me. Maybe liberals should demand to see his penis" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BILL MAHER: Well, he's got bigger problems. A new poll shows that one of the major parties in this country - I won't tell you which one - is a majority birther party. That's right, more than half of Republicans now think Obama was born in Kenya. They literally do not know where babies come from.

[Laughter and applause]

MAHER: And that's why they keep demanding to see his birth certificate. And, it’s funny, when they go a little deeper into the polling, they find out this is just based on a general sense. It just feels to them like he's a foreigner. Well, you know, John Boehner wears bronzer and goes on crying jags. He just feels like a female to me.

[Laughter and applause]

MAHER: Maybe liberals should demand to see his penis.

[Laughter and applause]

What's truly fascinating is not only are there people in this country that find this kind of low-brow humor funny, but like Maher they also think they're more intelligent and sophisticated than everyone else.

My sources inside HBO tell me that on next week's program, Maher's going to place whoppee cushions on all of his guests' seats.

His intellectual audience is guaranteed to eat that up.