MRC's Bozell Highlights Media's Support for the Pope's Liberal Views

September 23rd, 2015 5:04 PM

Pope Francis earns the fawning adoration of the liberal media for two big reasons, Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell argued on today's Cavuto: Coast to Coast.

"They like him for political reasons.... He's taken very strong stands on global warming, he's taken strong stands on wealth distribution, and things of that nature, so that's the first dynamic," Bozell noted.

Secondly,  "This pope is terrible, terrible when it comes to public relations," wherein he "says things off the cuff that have gotten him in trouble time and time again," Bozell added.  "[H]e's got to be much, much more careful with what he says," on social issues like gay rights and abortion, where the liberal media has misconstrued his message.

"[He] has been very, very faithful, which he has to be, to canon law. It's been on politics where he's been more aggressive," Bozell noted, adding that that's where "the media jump on how conservatives are out of line with the Holy Father" who's "got the right answer." By contrast, however, there's silence from the media about staunchly left-wing Catholic Democrats like Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden "being completely out of line about their positions on abortion."