Open Thread

November 18th, 2009 10:05 AM

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: fake stimulus jobs are a "small problem"?

"[Joe Biden] thinks it is a relatively small problem involving a small number of jobs that exist, but which were entered into with the wrong coding and therefore the wrong address," Biden spokesman Jay Carney said in an email. "He expects the problem will be fixed quickly."
Small number of jobs?! David Freddoso and I determined there were some 75,000 bogus jobs -- over ten percent of the number of jobs the administration claims the stimulus created -- just from compiling the numbers in a very limited number of media reports. A proper accounting would probably find the number of jobs is much higher. The vice-president and supposed "stimulus sheriff" shouldn't be downplaying the problems in the stimulus reporting. It's insulting.

It makes you wonder how disastrous a problem would have to be to considered "large".