Vanity Fair: 'Angry White America Fell for Putin,' Trump Over Submissive Russian Women

December 17th, 2016 2:25 PM

Vanity Fair’s Peter Savodnik completely jumped the shark when it came to the outrageous article he wrote earlier this week.  Savodnik’s article can’t even be considered news or actual reporting since it sounds more like a conspiracy theory, at best. It tries to link Donald Trump’s presidential win to Russian infiltrating American politics and blaming white American men because they apparently love white Russian girls. He even titled the article, “Why Angry White America Fell for Putin.”

Quite a stretch, isn’t it?

Like most mainstream leftist news outlets, Savodnik used words such as “angry,” “white pride,” and “white-nationalist,” when describing the average Trump voter:

While Europe has embraced socialists and Muslims, among other groups, Russia appears a final redoubt of white pride. At least, this is how Russia has portrayed itself to, and is viewed by, many on the new American right—the angry horde, the white-nationalist base who wants their country back.

According to Savodnik, angry white men flooded to Russia in search of “submissive” wives. He pontificated:

“There were glimmers of this in the ‘90s and the aughts, when angry, white men flew to Moscow, and then St. Petersburg and Kiev, and then Tomsk and Omsk and Vladivostok, in search of beautiful, Russian women to replace their feminist wives in America…What they loved about Russian women, I learned, was not just that they were gorgeous, but rather that they were submissive. They had their values straight.”

Where he described Russian girls as submissive beauties, he felt men looked at American women as “letting themselves go”:

“When these men talked about American women, they always sounded bitter. American women didn’t know how to please a man; they didn’t wear makeup; they didn’t cook; they let themselves go. These men… had fallen in love with Russia because it was full of pretty white girls who acted the way they thought girls should act.”

Savodnik even had the audacity to claim Trump’s choice in women – mainly his wives – indicated the angry white man’s disproval of American women, writing:

“Donald Trump’s choice of female partners reflects the yearnings and inclinations of these angry, white men—many of whom, one imagines, now comprise his base. Two of his three wives come from Slavic, ex-Communist countries. His shortest marriage was to an American.”

Wow.  So because Trump’s marriage to Marla Maples – an American – didn’t last, it’s because he doesn’t like white American girls.  Okay.

Savodnik then threw in a few other code words such as “anti-globalism” and “ loathing multiculturalism” because, you know, people who voted for Trump are purportedly racist:

These people are not bound by a shared politics or program so much as a shared racial identity—a white nationalism born of a loathing for the multiculturalism and complex interdependency embraced by the Davos class. It is a global anti-globalism, and it is reflected in Trump, Brexit, and Marine Le Pen.

Savodnik ends his piece with the hope that one day we” will look back at the Trump era “…and wonder how so many Americans could have been so blinded by their politics or racialism that they were willing to look the other way when another country—the same country right-wingers once loved to hate—intervened in our democratic process.”

Perhaps Savodnik should consider this idea - maybe those people decided not to buy into a whacked out theory in which Russians influenced the presidential election.  Maybe, just maybe, those same people decided they had enough of the past eight years and wanted to try something new. That’s a more believable theory than suggesting half of America who voted for Trump because of “white pride,” especially when you consider the fact he garnered more of the African-American and Hispanic vote than Romney did in 2012.