Olby Orgasmic Over O'Keefe

January 26th, 2010 9:16 PM

Serious question: did Keith Olbermann express this much outrage over Umar Mutallab's attempt to kill everyone aboard NWA 253?  

Olbermann predictably led this evening's Countdown with the James O'Keefe story—the arrest in connection with the apparent attempted interference with Sen. Mary Landrieu's phone system of the young man who exposed ACORN.

Faith-based readers should actually be encouraged, because Olbermann appears to have gotten religion. Keith is clearly praying—fervently—that this will turn out to be, as the Countdown graphic suggests, "Watergate Jr.," with Republican officials revealed to be behind O'Keefe's latest venture.

How many Watergate references did Olbermann make in his extended segment on the subject tonight?

Watch the edited video clip and count. Keith did—just—stop short of calling for O'Keefe to be treated as an enemy combatant.